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Rented Guitar Hero: Aerosmith

Since the setlist is small and it's basically an upgrade pack of GHIII, I figure I can play it now through renting once, and then grab a used copy in the future when it's reduced price. Just played about four hours worth, completed the setlist and some of the vaullt songs. I have a weird obsession with Joe Perry's avatar, it's kind of cute in an odd way. As for the music, it's pretty good, has a lot of Aerosmith songs I don't recognize; hell, I'd say 75% of all the songs were unknown to me before this game, including the non-Aerosmith ones. Some of them are a little odd (how is Run DMC the "King of Rock?" That's like saying Aerosmith is the "King of Rap"), but I haven't really found any that I absolutely refuse to ever play again. The avatar choreography is great, and I like the little new guitarist that they have onstage with the opening band. Also, WOAH are the achievements easy as hell! Look at my usertag, I almost doubled my userpoints by playing that game alone. Working on the Hard level right now, which is kind of easy for hard, I'll hopefully finish it tomorrow and try to grab some other achievements. Overall, scoring this game a tentative 7/10.