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Six Degrees of Gamespot Blog Separation

I've noticed something quite amusing. Every once in a while I click on one of the people I track on the "my watched blogs" column, and proceed to click on their "watched blogs" to try and find new and interesting blogs to track. Whether I track the new person or not, I then look at their watched blogs and continue onwards to try and find more.
I've found that usually all of the bloggers I watch are interconnected somehow. I end up seeing that many of the people whose profiles I end up on have the same tracked blogs I do. This begs the question, how connected is the GS community, how are they connected, and is most everyone connected through the titular phenomena described above? Do the connections run in one giant circle, or do they branch out into other areas of the community? Can you clump people together and find similarities depending on whose blogs they watch? Or do I just happen to always watch blogs that are the most interesting of the community? It's all very fascinating to see. I could have clicked a route through ten blogs, and have one of my contacts pop up out of the blue on someone else's watched blog list. It would be interesting to see the levels of interspersed connection that blogs show.

One other note, I also managed to finish Super Mario Sunshine. The last boss fight was disappointingly easy, but overall, this is a great Mario game. I'll post a review soon. And blame Bettybot for me posting my Hobbit review already, she wanted to know how the game was ;) :P
