So as to ignore that subject aforementioned, I'll update you on my gaming status. I've been playing FFX and Brain Age for the past two days. For Brain Age, I've already deduced that I in fact perform better in the afternoons than in the mornings. Now if I could only convince my school to let me come in around a more opportune learning time... say, noon? My brain check today was at 38, up from 33 yesterday. Ah well, at least I'm getting better at multiplication. Fear me next year, PreCalculus!
As to FFX, it's a really interesting plotline right now, though still highly predictable. (*FFX, Tales of Symphonia, and Tales of Legendia SPOILERS AHEAD!*) For instance, the first time I saw Seymour, I thought, freakishly awesome hair, flowing robes, and son of peacekeeper? Definite villan possibility. And after the first convo about Chappu where Tidus realizes something went on between Lulu, Wakka and Chappu, I was 99% positive that Lulu and Chappu had been involved in the past and that it would be a good setup for a Wakka and Lulu relationship, especially after the scene in the Locker room between them after the first blitzball match. And then there's the whole twist with Yevon's teachings vs. The Al Bhed. It screams "blind adherance to religion is really, really BAD." It reminds me of Tales of Symphonia and Tales of Legendia, especially since I believe The Final Summoning is supposed to kill Yuna (though don't tell me if it is, I'm only up to the Birkani Island or whatever it's called where they're searching for Yuna), as the Journey of Regeneration is supposed to "kill" Colette, and the Merines Transformation is supposed to change Shirley and make her in turn kill all Ferines. It's just saying "think for yourself, don't blindly praise Yevon when there's no substantial proof to do so, especially with all this Sin stuff going on." The atheist in me is pushing me to compare it to modern theism, but I won't go there ;) (*SPOILERS ENDED*)
I prolly won't be gaming much tomorrow, I plan to scour the interweb and print out pictures of bands/games/inspirational people I admire and do a collage on my wall. my room just looks too bare. I need more game posters and the like. If I do play tomorrow, it'll prolly be Xenosaga, since I've been ignoring that one a little. Damn, there are a lot of friggin cutscenes! The first save point I didn't find until like, an hour into the game, and the next one after that took another hour or so to unlock. Ah well, I knew what I was getting into. I'll just look at this as watching a really cool anime that I can play along with.
And lastly. Auron frigging OWNS. He is so freaking awesome, though the one thing that annoys me is how he carries his arm in his robe, instead of putting it through the sleeve. Apparently he can fight with the arm, but putting it through a sleeve is just too hard? Ah well. I still love his awesome grizzled look and sunglasses. <3
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