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Winter-een-mas! (Looking for Wild World Players)

Let's see, for Xmas I recieved Mario Kart DS and Animal Crossing: Wild World. They're both major fun and I've been playing them obsessively since I got em. Though this isn't game related, I got a video iPod cause my old one broke, and it was under warranty, so they replaced it when I went to Best Buy yesterday ^___^.

I'm looking for some people to join me in a Winter-een-mas celebration (Go look up the webcomic ctrl-alt-del or go to for details). If you have AC: WW, I'm looking for 3 people to join me on Saturday the 28th for some fun. I'll set up a few in game events, decorate my town, and give gifts (bring some b33r! ;)) PM me if you want to join in. Please RSVP before Jan 22.