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You Are Dead!

So, here's a list of things appearing in my mailbox today.

1. The first of my buys, Resident Evil 4!

And a day before the expected due date! Gotta love Amazon, for some reason they always deliver earlier than they're expected to.

2. For ordering another yearly subscription to Nintendo Power, I got the Twilight Princess game guide!

*oogles it* so pretty... And along with this came...

3. The "Official" Twilight Princess Soundtrack!



Only 7 songs, but still totally awesome.

I started on Resident Evil 4 tonight, and oh my god, so awesome. The gore, the explosions, the creepyness, it's already got the classic makings of a Resident Evil. I like the ganados; zombies are cool, but it's even more unsettling that still living humans are doing things like... harpooning and burning police officers... for instance. Plus Leon's voice acting is awesome so far, love his little quips. I just realized that at least one zombie is cursing during the village lookout scene. It's kinda funny to hear this woman dropping the "s-bomb" over and over in Spanish. Ah, thank god for online translators and my urge to understand all foreign curses. Playing at night adds creepiness, but I think I'll stick to daytime playing, knowing that I'm horribly weak when it comes to dealing with scary stuff.

So I called every game store around today, and no Wiis to be found. Afterwards, the younger brother of one of my friends who came over tipped me off that he'd seen about 30 of them in the game store that happens to be a short walk from my house. I stopped there on the way to Dad's house, and asked the employees. No Wiis; if they had been in stock, I wouldn't be typing this, I'd be obsessively playing Twilight Princess until 4 am. But they expect to maybe get some in tomorrow. So my battle plan is to wake up at 8:30, get down to the store by 9, question the guys about the arrival time of the UPS truck, and then plant myself somewhere in the vicinity until the time of the truck's arrival. If the truck comes bearing Wiis, that's great. If not, I'll inquire about whether they might come on Saturday. This is really the best time for me to attempt this, since I'm off because of the holidays. I'm gonna pack myself a few books, my DS and wear a nice warm coat and see how long they'll let me huddle in the store.

If I'm lucky, pictures of the Wii next post! If not.... then more reports as my Amazon shipments arrive!
