*rubs her aching pinkie* That's okay little guy, we don't have to play Before I Forget on hard again for a long time...
Gah, I'm getting a bit frusturated. Hard on GHIII is really, well, HARD. I've been at this game for a good 6 months and I'm still having trouble even completing the setlist for that level. I finally conquered "3s and 7s" as well as "Before I Forget" tonight, but I'm dreading Knights of Cydonia that I still have to do. Plus I tried the next songs on Quickplay... suffice to say, it was bad.
Does anybody know of some good playing techniques? Maybe something I'm forgetting? I have trouble switching between spread chords like RB to YO, and I'm sucking at pull offs, especially the intro to Before I Forget, the only reason I could conquer it was keeping my finger jammed on the G button. Or is it all about training your finger muscle response and building strength in your hands? Because my hands aren't the strongest; they're pretty flexible from playing piano in the past, but their speed isn't too good.
Or hell, maybe I just need glasses.