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Nightphoenix16 Blog

This clock never seemed so alive.

(I copypasta from my website so bear with me here. I wanna try to get some newer content soon) And just when I thought things couldn't be worse then they are now... oops I **** jinxed it. I never know for certain how long it would be between my blog posts, but the only certain variable is the relevence. I can't just blog about nothing, it's not my style, and even if there is a topic, there is no substance to my style. Boring. and I don't know why I can't keep my eyes off of you... Ooh, can it be stori tiem naow? Let me think... ok I have the beginning but I guess I'll just bs it as I go along. Two forces existed at the time of their first meet. Both of them were equal in their own design and both were destined to meet at some point in the timeline. While these two forces were mutual and perfect, other dark entities were determined to keep them apart. While one was distracted by the dark entities, the other was ignoring them to keep the two of them together... What happend next? I don't know, its only tuesday and I need to wait another week to find out. Quote me: "Life is a balanced scale. Keep all the weights level and your goals will remain in sight." I don't know where to go from here...

If you take a life, do you know what you'll give?

...and after a long absence I once again make a pathetic attempt at returning to my internet sanctuary. This goes out to all of my, um, 3 regular bloggers that even notice when I post something: Is your life so darn boring that you will go and read blog posts from users who have been inactive for 6 months and only sign in to see the latest news from the video game industry? I applaud your boredom, because now I am ready to cure it. My recent sebbatical from blogging game me a chance to get caught up on some things and, as an added bonus, come to some very deep revelations on the human social community and interaction (aka, blah blah blah). While in the next couple of weeks I will be filling you all in on my recent discoveries as well as sharing some new stories of my absence from Gamespot. Among the new content I will be providing includes, but is not limited to: Stories from my community college life, my working experiences, and even a mini contest which I will go into detail shortly. I really would like to hear some imput from my long lost friends out there in cyberspace. My ultimate goal in this experiment of mine is to broaden my knowledge of the worldwide culture and behavioral reasoning that works behind all the events we experience on a daily basis. While this article alone may not produce any comments at the moment, I do have a little incentive to get you all to participate. Every blog title from here on out will feature a quote. This quote will come from various sources including, but not limited to, video games, movies, songs, books, tv shows, and maybe even the news. I hope my new format of blogging encourages everyone to participate and help me become a better person IRL as well as online. Enjoy ~NP~ PS: The title is from a song, in a movie. ...also. Feel free to offer some grammer correction. I really need to work on that.

E3 is almost here.

You know it, I know it, it's almost here. The Electronic Entertainment Expo is coming soon and the internet is already buzzing with all of the hype of potential games being announced. For me, its all about Nintendo. While they have given us some time to relax and enjoy some Brawl or Wii fit, I think its about time we see what they really have in store for us. I have said this to people before and I will say it again so you can hear me good and loud. The Wii demand is dying down, and now is where they get to have fun. What else is there to look forward too? New games, new periferals, and new online channels? YES! When I say new games, I mean the next big addition to the Zelda or the Metroid franchises. If you don't remember, those two they already released don't count. Those games were first planned as a Gamecube game and then ended up as a Wii game when launch day rolled around. Is a new periferal in the works? I think so, and when you all say that the concept of a Wii hard drive is unlikely, I think otherwise. Nintendo knows that the hardware they have right now is no good to them 2 years from now, but if an addition, like a new drive, is added, the full power of the Wii can be harnessed. What kind of channels could we see? How about the answer to Sony's Playstation Home. How about a new kind of network to rival that of X-Box Live. How about something to revolutionize gaming? ...all in a week's work at E3. Until then, Nightphoenix out.

I'm back

Wow, I really need to freshen up on my blogging. The last time I ever typed something longer than a paragraph was when I wrote a 8 page paper describing the world in the 70's. Yea, that was way back when I was still in a uniform and had to sit through detention. Well, I think I could be just about finished with my break. It's about time I got back to the things that really made me happy in life. While I've been away and working, my Wii has been collecting dust. Damn, I miss Mii time. Does this mean you get to see more of what I have to offer? Of course, it does. I'm back, and I'm ready to work. Expect more from me soon.

The Brawl is ON!

And after waiting in the cold for 5 hours I finally got my copy of SSBB. If you guys get your nerve up to challenge me my FC is 4983-4598-3528. See ya there!

Happy Birthday

Just a quick blog post to let y'all know that its my birthday today. Feel free to drop in and grant your birthday wishes. Peace Out.

I hope this catches your attention.

I read on someone's profile that I should make decent enough blogs to catch their attention... this is me trying to make a decent enough blog. Blog: an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page Thats just in case you forget what the definition of a blog is. I'm pretty sure I have. But no matter how hard I search, I can never find something worth blogging about. A blog is defined as publishing thoughts, but I do not know which thoughts to publish. Is it easy to tell people what you are really thinking? I have read many blogs in my time but can only find a select few who actually know what to write. Most of the people here on Gamespot write about what games they like and don't like, or they ramble on and on about why their "Next-Gen" console is so much better than everyone elses. (And if you didn't know already, my favorite is Nintendo) That is not writing about your thoughts. That is writing your opinion. Your thoughts are not always focused on video games. Your thoughts are focused on what is happening with your life. But that is why we are not here. We are here as a community of gamers. We are here because we all have something in common. We are gamers. We are the influence of many and the steriotype of the world. Nerds, geeks, hackers. Call us whatever you want. We are who we want to be. Some of us live here because it is the only place where we can be accepted as a whole. Accepted for blogging about our thoughts., (*looks up at this piece of trash*) I think I have said enough for one blog.

ATTN: We are now entering hypermode.

I just finished MP3 yesterday and I have to say that if people think this game is a little easy, then hypermode will be insane. At first I thought that there was only Easy and Veteran mode but when I was finished I saw that hypermode was unlocked and I freaked out! In other news... I failed at school. LOL. Now I gotta take my GSP110 class over again. Oh well, not like I'm paying for it... yet. Now if I do my math homework everything will be ok, for now. And one more thing, can everyone give me thier Wii friend codes? I need friend vouchers for MP3. Check my profile for my FC.

I am corrupted.

This is just a quick blog since I am well overdue. Today my Wii glowed its fabulous blue color, and it wasn't for an update. I just got done seeing the greatest preview for Metroid Prime 3: Corruption. And I LOVED IT. If you haven't seen it then its about time you check out the Wii shop channel and download the MP3 preview for free. UPDATE: There is also a Youtube video link posted in the MK/Metroid Fan Union. Visit there now.
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