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If you take a life, do you know what you'll give?

...and after a long absence I once again make a pathetic attempt at returning to my internet sanctuary. This goes out to all of my, um, 3 regular bloggers that even notice when I post something: Is your life so darn boring that you will go and read blog posts from users who have been inactive for 6 months and only sign in to see the latest news from the video game industry? I applaud your boredom, because now I am ready to cure it. My recent sebbatical from blogging game me a chance to get caught up on some things and, as an added bonus, come to some very deep revelations on the human social community and interaction (aka, blah blah blah). While in the next couple of weeks I will be filling you all in on my recent discoveries as well as sharing some new stories of my absence from Gamespot. Among the new content I will be providing includes, but is not limited to: Stories from my community college life, my working experiences, and even a mini contest which I will go into detail shortly. I really would like to hear some imput from my long lost friends out there in cyberspace. My ultimate goal in this experiment of mine is to broaden my knowledge of the worldwide culture and behavioral reasoning that works behind all the events we experience on a daily basis. While this article alone may not produce any comments at the moment, I do have a little incentive to get you all to participate. Every blog title from here on out will feature a quote. This quote will come from various sources including, but not limited to, video games, movies, songs, books, tv shows, and maybe even the news. I hope my new format of blogging encourages everyone to participate and help me become a better person IRL as well as online. Enjoy ~NP~ PS: The title is from a song, in a movie. ...also. Feel free to offer some grammer correction. I really need to work on that.