Well after almost 2 years of not owning a system, I finally bought an Xbox 360 along with an LCD TV to play it on. Now that my daughter is a little older, and all the rockiness of marriage is wearing down, I finally have a little time to sit down and play some games. After playing a few rounds in Vegas 2, I see I have some skill polishing to do. Too bad I had to create a new xblive account, my old one has lots of arcade games on it. Oh Well! This is better than nothing.
Nignarv3 Blog
The DS fiasco, being married, and being a father.
by Nignarv3 on Comments
I have lost my DS and I am heart broken. Having just gotten married and the fact that I'm having my first child on Monday, it was the only gaming system I owned. It's heart breaking, it really really is. But yay for babbies.
I take that back.
by Nignarv3 on Comments
I completely take back my last blog. Every time I get a step forward, I get knocked back 5 steps. When we went to turn on the power at the new place, she tells me she can't because I have an outstanding balance. So I figure, ok I must have forgot to pay a little something at my last place I lived at, so it couldn't be more than a standard bill. Well I was some kind of wrong. Turns out it's from the first apartment I've ever lived in, from 4 years ago. Not only that, but I owe them almost $500. Yeah, that's five hundred, wtf mate. The weirdest thing about all this, is that I've had 3 other apartments with power in my name since then. Although, she can give me no explanation as to why I never got a bill, phone call, or was told BEFORE when I had ultilities in my name about any of this. Well, it looks like we live our first month in the dark, and hope I can pay rent next month too. Hoo boy.
Maybe life might be OK for once.
by Nignarv3 on Comments
Well today I finally found an apartment. We signed the lease and paid the deposit, we will move in on the 1st of August, at which point I will pay our first month's rent. It's a really big place, a duplex though. Although it's only $485 a month and includes water. After weeks and weeks of searching, it's nice to finally have a place. We also set up a bank account today, something I've really been meaning to do since we moved back to Tennessee. We also opened up a savings account at the same time, and the guy we were talking to wasn't much older than me, and was extremely helpful. I hope this means all my bad karma or whatever has finally worn off. We'll see I guess. Maybe before too long I can afford to buy a game deck of some sort, and start playing games again. I doubt that will happen anytime soon though. I have to work in a couple of hours, I hate work. I long to get out of retail, or at least into a position that means something. I hate that I'm not a manager, but I guess that's what I get for working for a small company. Well I'm off, Pce.
Need to start doing this!!!
by Nignarv3 on Comments
Ok time to start keeping up a gaming blog. Last night I had a cool oporatunity to play Halo 3 (big fan) with some gamespot members. I'm not sure if they were all members, but from what I gather from the conversation, the majority of them were. We started off with Crazy King of the Hill FFA, moving every 5 seconds, and 50% gravity. 16 of us on the new Zanzibar map. Talk about a total madhouse. I managed to finish in 3rd not trailing too far behind winning the thing, had I not made some stupid mistakes. We then moved on to a Team Slayer match which I totally blew. At one point I even stopped playing to talk on the phone, we got owned by about 20 kills, so I guess we owe them a steak dinner. However after that, we played a match of Team VIP on The Pit. I started the match off by killing their VIP, i beleive it was first to 10. I don't remember what their score was but I remeber wining but a good margin. All and all I had a lot of fun, but I'm 2 hours ahead of them, and it was getting late and at this time i had to sign off. There is a picture I uploaded from our first match, enjoy.
EDIT: Here is a link to the video, i meant to post this earlier. You'll have to download it to your 360.
EDIT: Here is a link to the video, i meant to post this earlier. You'll have to download it to your 360.
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