From the preview weekend and from and elf perspective the 'art' in WAR is simply boring. AoC, LotR and WoW all 'look' much better than it even if WAR is more technically advanced than two of them. The most dissapointing thing for me was changing areas and to find the new one looked the same as the old one except with more hills.
Looks alright, but it doesn’t make me go 'wow' In fact why did they have to keep the art style exactly the same? New technology should allow artistic vision to come to light the way the designers originally intended, did they really max it out in Halo 2? Take The Boss Battle in MGS3, it looked beautiful, but it was very obvious that it was disadvantaged by the hardware. Or FarCry, would it have been possible to do such a foliage heavy FPS game on older hardware? New technology should allow us see things that we never saw before in a video game. I already saw this in Halo 1 and 2, now it just looks slightly prettier in the details and clarity but on first look leaves me unimpressed.
I am curious about Relic, does anyone else find it annoying that they enjoy skirmish play too much, in Dow there are always units that attack my back positions, they are not exactly tough to stop but just annoying, I heard it’s also similar in CoH. It seems to me that requisition points turn fun missions into simple base stomps, even the defensive missions. There is also the way they handle difficulty, they just place a lot of units near the final objective.
Nikalai_88's comments