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Leona Lewis singing XIII theme song.

Yup once again I have been away forever n have returned to vent my fury over something which I think is ridiculous! Pull up a chair! :3

So we finally get the big XIII announcement, being a release date (9th March 2010), and the fact that Leona Lewis will be singing the theme music for the game "My hands".

Now personally, when I heard I was excited! I just thought, Wow Leona is fricking incredible thats damn awesome. Yet when I see responses online all I see are about 98% of people crying about it, saying they won't buy the game cuz of it etc.

Come on? Really? First off, ok the first few lines of the song totally don't fit Final Fantasy, but they likely won't be included in the game itself. Secondly, those who are complaining they like the old Orchestra opening music, no one said this was the opening music. This is music to be played during an emotional scene in the game. Watch this fan made video, it fits:

Also think about this from a business point of view, I'm betting this single will be released around the time of the game. The music video will more than likely include scenes from the game. More people will see it, gives a chance for Squeenix to try n sell to a different audience. I don't see anything wrong with that.

Makes me wonder if things were the other way around and all Final Fantasy games were made with English music for Japan, and then they gave them a Japanese song, would they complain so much?

RAWR! To anyone who won't be buying XIII because of this, fine, you can go cry in your corner while I have a kick ass time playing.



Been away for a while...

Yeah I been busy lately. :3 Will try n get a bit more time on here when I can.

I'm totally hyped about Final Fantasy XIV now, seeing gameplay n some weather effects demos n such was awesome, the weather effects btw ~ wow. Blew me away, I can't wait to hear more news about XIV.

In other news, WoW has a new expansion? If anyone has read my reviews of the last 2 I don't think ya need me to comment on it hehe. *rolleyes* Looking forward to playing Aion though, not long now!

Hope everyone has been well n having fun gaming.


PS. If you don't already have it, go buy Batman: Arkham Asylum. Now.

Do eeet.

Aion Beta.

Yeah I was in the last Aion beta weekend, my other half bought me it on preorder for my birthday. Was awesome! I was having my doubts about whether it would be good or not, I could see it being the same as WoW for me but I really enjoyed playing it. The next beta is the 31st so I'll give my thoughts on the game around then. :3

Hate waiting for phone calls after interviews...

Yeah about the interview, I think it went ok, but I have a feeling they won't be calling me back. Reason being they asked if I could start immediately n I said I have to give a week notice to my current employer who I work for part time, when I said that they seemed real disappointed. Dammit! Oh well...I'll have to keep applying I guess, n keep hoping I do hear back from them. :]

Interview tomorrow woo.

I got myself an interview at a CeX store today (lol the store name gets me...), I've never heard of the store before but I saw they had a branch opening where I live so I tried applying and got a call back already.

Full time employment here I come! (Hopefully...) Wish me luck. :D

Might actually be able to afford some new games soon if I get the job lol. Its my bday this month at least though so I guess I can beg for some bday games, one on the list is Star Ocean, if anyone can tell me if its any good that'd be great. ^^ So far 3 people have told me its awesome! Despite one character being crazily annoying by ending every sentance with 'kay! ~.~ heh.

Well my interview is tomorrow, I'll let ya know how it goes. :3


Should this site be renamed Bug Spot?

Seriously...I been getting so many bugs recently. Like when people post replies to threads I can't see them til I post again or like the next day.

Or like just now, I tried to review a game and it cut off like all of it appart from the first 2 paragraphs. Now it also won't let me delete it!


Any ideas guys?

Damn jobs...

Basically I'm very close to finishing my College course now, last day is the 26th n I only have to go in a handful of days til then. Gawd dammit its boring being at home all the time, I remember when I was lil I'd dream of being able to stay home n do what I naive I was. nyahaha. Not only that but I really want a full time job to keep me busy n of course make money, but I hate were I work soooo bad. Now I'm not saying I'm ungreatful for having a job, its great as I know many people would kill for one right now, but I only do 4 hours a week and thats like £80 a month - its not enough!!


N those 4 hours are a busy, stressy mess with a manager who hates me. I caaaaan't work there full time. But every where else I've tried applying to says they have no places...gah. If anyone has any tips on job hunting I'd love you forever!! SAVE MEH!! :3 I'll go nuts sitting at home all day looking for info on FFXIV lol, and then going to that hell hole of work on Saturdays... :[

I luff yew Squeenix!

Ok first off, Sony's E3...WOW! I haven't seen the others yet but from what I hear Sony had the best one. So much awesome looking stuff, like that motion cap control, OMEGAWD!

Onto Square Enix, I didn't think it was possible but I now love them even more lol. 3 bits of good news all at once, I almost died! FFVII on PSN, YES! Thank you! (Though it has yet to make it to the EU one *cry*) FFXIII English trailer, yay! Nd finally, FFXIV! Holy **** How the heck did they keep that a secret for 5 years, wow. After hearing about it being more soloable and 'casual' when asked how it compares to WoW, ah I was ready to implode. I can't say how excited I am about this game! So many times I have wanted to go back to FFXI but remembered how horrible and boring it was looking for a party...bah. So yeah that is deffo gonna be in my collection on its release date. I just wish it was sooner! :] Now lets just hope they have fixed a few of FFXI's other issues too. For instance I wasn't too pleased with the old interface. It could have been more attractive for a start, and a bit sharper. I hope they do away with subjobs too.

Well I'm sorry guys but ya gonna hear me going on about this game whenever they leak more info now! AHHHH EXCITEMENT!!!

Nikki ~ x

Woo xmas games!

Yup as xmas has just gone I've played alota games that I got under my tree. :] Will probably put some reviews up as I finish them. Doing Banjo Kazooie N&B at the mo, I love it! The vehicle thing was a tad weird at first but yeah its great fun. Brings me back to my childhood lol.

Last night I played Left 4 Dead with my other half for a couple of hours too, I've heard some bad things about this game n I can't understand why. I think its great. Maybe I haven't played it long enough to judge yet though. One thing that I don't like about it at the moment is that I don't know where all these horde/witch/boomer etc... things came from, like how did they mutate or whatever. Normally get some kinda story behind zombies, hopefully it will come later I guess. :D

Not much else to say really so yeah Happy New Year.

Sorry for not being here... any of my followers or my Unions. I've been swamped with College work and Christmas shopping, argh. Hopefully have a bit more time to check in now though. Yayz! :]
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