Nikki-S's forum posts
Yeah I'm pretty sure we have past "mid December" now. N sentUAMessage said it should be before xmas, wrong again. GIMMEH MY CHOCO DAMMIT!!!
FFIX - Steiner
I don't understand why people don't use Steiner. Him and Vivi make an awesome team.
Its not that he wasn't good in terms of skill, I just disliked his design and character lol. :D
I own:
- Final Fantasy III (DS)
- Final Fantasy IV (DS)
- Final Fantasy VI (PS)
- Final Fantasy VII (PS & PSP)
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core (PSP)
- Final Fantasy VIII (PS)
- Final Fantasy IX (PS)
- Final Fantasy X (PS2)
- Final Fantasy X-2 (PS2)
- Final Fantasy XI (PC)
- Final Fantasy XII (PS2)
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance (GBA)
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2 (DS)
I've beat:
- Final Fantasy IV
- Final Fantasy VII
- Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core
- Final Fantasy IX
- Final Fantasy X
- Final Fantasy X-2
- Final Fantasy Tactics Advance
- Final Fantasy Tactics A2
FFVII - Cait Sith
FFIX - Steiner
FFX - Wakka
I did still use em though, some of them had too good abilities not to (Caith Sith limit anyone :o ) but I avoided using them when possible.
I have both but I'll be getting it for PS3.
It just feels like the home console for FF for me as the first one I played was on the PS. :3
I was sure I joined this long ago as I'm pretty sure I used to post here lol but I checked my Union list today n I still had an an invite from months n months back. nyaha. x3
So er, I guess hi, again! I haven't been here in forever so I doubt anyone would remember me posting before. I've filled out the intro thing a long time ago so I'm too lazy to do it again!
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