NikoAndRoman's forum posts
I made this, its a poster for GT GamePads, tell me what you think:
BTW I use a tweak version of MS Paint kinda, no photoshop :(
Im 18
I got to much sH*t in my life to worry about getting laid, there will always be more important priorities
Your 18, quit lying to yourself...getting laid is the only thing that matters in your life right now.
Sure..we all know having sex is more important then paying utility bills
Im 18
I got to much sH*t in my life to worry about getting laid, there will always be more important priorities
NikoandRoman I made this GTA sig, I couldnt think of anything really to do. I just did somthing similar to what you already have.EVOLV3
That looks pretty cool dude, the one I made used to have a Liberty City slogan but I removed it because it would not look good with the Niko pic...had several actually I used them for my GTA 4 blogs, all had different slogans
"Where the American Dream comes to Die" was a personal favorite
Ehh...I got lazy and turned my banner into a sig
I have a sick GH 3 sig a buddy made for me but it has my other username, so its quite useless here, unless I edit it but I don't wanna mess with a work of art
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