Boycotts, like petitions, do not work. Johnny_Rock
On the contrary. Petitions don't work because they are based on words. Boycotts do work because they are based on money.
Let's do the math. At the time of me writing this, there are 29135 petition signatures, ( and it looks like the petition is not working. It is reasonable to assume that LA is aware of the petition and are not making the PC version for reasons other than peer pressure. (Making a PC version: $some cost. Making a good PC version: $more. Thousands of signatures on a petition: $worthless.)
Now, suppose this was a boycott instead of the petition. That is, 29135 fans decided to stop buying future LA products until LA releases something great enough to appease them, notably TFU for PC. At the bare minimum, considering that each was only planning to buy one more game or month-subscription to SWG, at $15 each, the total revenue loss would be $437,025.00, close to half a million dollars. On a more reallistic estimate, assuming they would eventually buy on average 5 more newly-released games, at $50 each or a similar value in subscriptions or a combined value thereof, the revenue loss would approximate $7,283,750.00.
As you can imagine, such a kick in the wallet would probably get their attention.
Now, I have to agree that it's unreasonable to expect anyone to boycott a company that is expected to release great games, and I don't expect anyone to do so. Fortunately for us who do boycott, Lucas Arts seems to be going downhill anyway, so it's not like we're going to miss much. At the same time, if it does release that which appeases our boycott, we won't miss out either because our boycott would be appeased. We can see how LA was affected by this in the past. The exodus from SWG that resulted from the dreaded updates took its toll; the once-great MMO is now approaching termination.
Words are just words, and can be generated indefinitely by a monkey on a typewriter; but every wallet is a real wallet, and makes a real-world difference. I am a PC-gaming fan, but I have a Wii and a PS2. And a fat wallet, too, but it comes with a habit of buying things carefully. If I was to play TFU on either console, I still wouldn't enjoy it nearly as much as I would on my ubercomputermachine. Why would I pay for a game if I won't enjoy it? To me, the boycott is again the reasonable choice.
In conclusion, I'm boycotting for my own reason. I encourage everyone to boycott or not boycott for their own reasons.
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