NiloKaal / Member

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First Bloooooooooog.

Greetings all you people who read this (to anyone that actually cares)! I made an account a while back but I've never really taken advantage of it till now... This Greatest Villian of All Time thing kinda lured me in so WAY TO GO GAMESPOT. You got what you wanted. Anywho, this is the first time I've written a blog. Evar. So forgive me if it just sounds like I'm ranting. This IS what you're supposed to do in a blog right? Just spout random stuff about a topic? Actually, this is sorta fun. I could get used to doing this. Yeah, back on topic- so first blog, what should I talk about? Aw what the hell, the competition should be an appropriate starting point. First off, lemme just say that I didn't have very high hopes for winning this thing. Hell, I didn't even know who a bunch of the big villians were like Kerrigan from StarCraft and Arthas Menethil from Warcraft because I've never played em. Yeah, yeah, I live under a rock. Anyways, I did pretty good the first few rounds with a couple exceptions; check out my bracket if you get the chance. But one thing that kinda pissed me off was the fact that Sephiroth lost in the first round of the fackin' competition. Now, I'll tell you right off the bat that I've never played FFVII. But I DO know that Sephy has a big fanbase and I took that into account when I voted him up far into my bracket; he was in my fackin' final two! What I didn't count on was the fact that there were an equal amount of people that hated his guts because of the FF fanboys. So I was really surprised to say the least when he was eliminated so early on. Heh, at least I had the sense not to pick him for the one to win it all. MOVING ON.

After Sephiroth's untimely demise, RAAM seemed to get a big head, no pun intended, and bust his way up through the ranks. Personally, I don't know how he managed to get as far as he did, considering he didn't play a huge role in the Gears games. Seriously- I played through those games a couple timesa while back and when this contest came around I had to struggle to remember WHO THE HELL HE WAS. Now, I know I don't have that bad a memory when it comes to video games but RAAM didn't really stick with me. He just kinda flowed along with the rest of the game, blending in with all the other creatures and Locust that you had to obliterate to save humanity. A GOOD villian is one that sticks in your mind and makes you think, "Oh yeah, that was an epic character." So I find it a shame that he managed to get to the Final Four. I did pick Ganondorf to win because of a couple reasons. Firstly, who hasn't played a Legend of Zelda game? Okay, a lot of people but THE POINT IS that it's a classic example of a good game villian. An adventurer goes on a quest to save a princess and stop the evil antagonist from taking over the kingdom. Is that not something you'd hear in a good story? But I'm deviating from the point of him being a good game villian. He's got the triforce of power, can turn into a giant beast, and is pretty much invincible against everything except the Master Sword. Plus he's a major staple of Nintendo that has alarger following. But yeah, he lost to the Joker and the rest is history. I want Kerrigan to win it all cuz she's got some pretty deviant past behind her. And of course the fact that Joker beat Ganon :P Anyways, after all is said and done, the votes are all that matter since it's already been decided by the majority. But believe me, this contest is NOT what it could have been. All unfair matchups, proxy votes, and trolling aside, this was a blast and I hope they do another one soon. The comments section was where I spent most of my time these past few matchups and boy is it entertaining. You wouldn't believe the kind of flawed reasoning and just flat out stupidity people show there. I hang around most of the time just to unravel people's arguments and make witty comments. And I'm pretty good at both, if I do say so myself. :D But I digress...

So in conclusion, I had lots of fun in this contest; a few disappointments here and there but hey- that's just how it goes, right? So I'm signing off of my first blog- didn't do too bad I'd say...I'll probably make another blog if this doesn't go unnoticed cuz that means people are actually reading em! So farewell for now- and game hard.

~Nilo Kaal