Yet again Gamespot up Microsofts ass. This site is biased to Xbox most links go direct to xbox pages and screen comparisons always favour xbox even cross platform review always come out for xbox first. 720p in the interest of fairness i think not xbox can not do 1080p so whats fair? Wuldn't mind seeing who pays for the majority of advertising on the site Bill Gates? Do yourselves a favour and swap to IGN . com, fair site fair reviews and no favouritism
@booty2k6 As mentioned the average home PC not a high spec one that costs £1000's can not do 1080p or higher and as you as xbox does upscaler, but lets be staright upscaler is not 1080p no matter what way you put it. the game plays in 1080p on ps3 not like the xbox. @thesovvolf The photos are not doctored but you can noticably see that the contrast is diffwerent on the ps3 screens its been made lighter!
Gamespot have done it again…. Every time they compare graphics they make the ps3 look washed out. They say 720p to keep thing s fair but the Ps3 can easily do 1080p which most pc and xbox can not do! In the interest of fairness shouldn’t we see how it looks at its best? Shame on you Gamespot……. Same with cross platform releases xbox reviews always come out first!?!
Nimmo___007's comments