- Nineball2112’s Activity
I think that is a mistake, but oh well...
Bring back as many jobs as possible to the US. Besides, seeing as the trend is growing even more for digital distribution, this probably won't amount to much. But hey, it's makes for a juicy headlin...
I'm sure I'm in the minority here, but I don't really care for the whole open world concept. I actually liked the linear paths that the prior Souls games provided.
SoldiersThe return of Factions to Battlefield Portal, we will also mean that we are bringing back soldier archetypes as you know them to be within their relevant titles. As an example, Battlefield 3’s...
@johnny0779: Where did he say he was worried?
@nakapi: Maybe if they didn't need to come up with silly marketing plans, they could spend the money on more development instead of paying all these people doing marketing that's not necessary?Crazy t...
@dani78: Watch game play videos, use it to find locations in games, or collectibles... all kinds of things that would be great to be able to look stuff up in a browser on my TV. Having a browser on ...
@traptedmind: Why use a small phone when you can use the browser on my 65" TV?
@bloodbornelore: I bought a Series X, and having never owned an Xbox before, I have WAY MORE than just the Medium to play. LOLI think having an Xbox Series X is going to pay off in spades going forwa...
@gunsblazing777: That's exactly what I'm doing. Not to mention, that I still feel burned by preordering BFV.
It seems like they are copying the Destiny 2 seasonal content model.
@Leinad9: : "they'll say "Why don't they just hire the most qualified people!", a comment which is based off the implicit assumption that only the white actors are the most qualified."Wha.... how in ...
@Leinad9: Whatever happened to hiring the person that is best qualified for the job? Skills are important, right?Having said that, all else being equal; why would the company NOT hire someone that is...
Good for Microsoft!
@techhog89: I think Xbox is going to do phenomenal this new generation.
Good game, but even I think it had too much filler.
@brazzo09: Just now seeing this. I just got a Series X this past Sunday. I have NEVER owned an Xbox before, as I did the Atari, SNES, PC, and then PS3 and finally PS4.I would have bought a PS5 if th...
@tlpina: Good luck with the pre-order. I sincerely mean that. I really got burned on my BF5 pre-order.Once bitten, twice shy.
@kirkkh3: Man, where can I get one of those keyboards? They sound awesome.
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