I once saw Epic as the people's developer. They made awesome games, for gamers. They weren't another corporate entity harping on about business plans and quarterly revenue. Sure, they have to make money. But i got the impression that they went to work to make an awesome game; not to keep the green rolling in. Positively motivated, you could say.
I'm beginning to think i was wrong, however. Simply down to my time spent with Gears of War. As it stands right now, online multiplayer gaming with Gears of War is the laggiest, glitchiest, most infuriating game i have ever experienced in my life. Yell about sales figures, Cliffy. Tell me it's a success. I dont care. Because playing this game online frankly, is torture. So much so, that i'm on 8,500 kills and honestly cant bring myself to keep playing for a week or two to get the achievement and the coveted gamerpicture. Its really not worth my blood pressure.
Because playing this game is not remotely entertaining. Unless you're host, it really is a complete mess. You'll be melee'd from ten feet away. Watch someone sprint clean past you only to explode seconds later as if they just shotgunned you in the chest. You'll have a boomshot cleanly miss but lord knows you'll go down anyway despite their crappy shot. On and let's not forget the one-hit-insta-down sniper rifle. That's a balanced weapon right there.
But nevermind that. Let's talk lag. Because Gears of War showcases it about as much as it does its lovely graphics. Single player is a beautiful experience, but take this baby online and boy will you be throwing it on the trade-in pile before long. My only conclusion is a lack of maintenance. A lack of giving half a damn about the millions of people who dropped their cash on your product. Ghost Recon 2 shipped with an issue whereby one rifle was vastly over-powered, along with some hosting issues whereby you'd connect to the game before everyone else and might get a kill or two before everyone is in the game if players are from around the world. You know how long it took for the team to fix those bugs? Three days. Three days and it was fixed. Gears of War still has the same roadie-run glitch it had at launch. The patch which supposedly fixed these glitches fixed nothing, and actually added two more whereby the game crashes if you try to launch just as someone in the lobby leaves, and also a rediculous thing whereby players can catapult themselves off the map and shoot you from places you cannot reach.
Thanks, Epic. Its been like this for months. The new maps also caused some form of error whereby custom match searches will only give you four or five results. Finding a game has been pretty much crippled since the update, yet still no attempt to fix it.And believe it or not, ipaid for these maps. Again, thanks Epic.
And now the final insult, this game they've all-out abandoned to leave their fans horribly disappointed trying to play online, is now moving to the PC with nicer graphics, a new game mode, map-editor and single-player content. Despite the 360 version already being too short, its already been confirmed that we will receive none of this. Thanks again, Epic.
Yet you want me to buy Unreal 3? Will i automatically win if i'm host on that, too?
Get out.
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