Ninja-Vox / Member

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Huzzah! An update.

Apologies for pulling a maddox but i've had rather a lot to do lately. Sleeping... eating... watching Prison Break. That sort of thing. What a tangled web i weave.

Right now i'm suffering from jet-lag of epic proportions. Flying from Australia to the UK isn't what i'd call good fun; especially when they provide you with the freakin' lion king as in-flight "entertainment." They had "16 Blocks" too, which killed a few hours, but other than that i was faced with the single most boring task of my life. Sitting on a plane for a huge lenth of time.

I got home to find a pay check from a small architectural firm which was two and a half years late. No kidding. And with that in mind, i decided it was time to get a "real" job and quit taking pretty pictures of things for a living.

Blog posts are a curious matter. I often find myself in the mood to post an entry, only to find i have very little to say about three and a half words in.

Never mind, i'll start posting in image-form from next week. That should be at least slightly entertaining.

Until then, take it easy good people of Gamespot.