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Ninja-Vox's epic journey of awesomeness

Is off to a rather slow start. For those of you who don't know and/or care, i recently set off on what was intended to be a repeat of a trip around Europe i embarked upon a few years back with some friends of mine. This time however, the plan was to make it bigger, and better. We start off in Italy, then move in a line heading east until we go 360 degrees, and end up in Italy again. Hurrah!

The first three days were delayed due to the wonderful folk at EasyJet. They delayed our flight for a charming eleven hours, but refused to inform us of this, despite clearly knowing all along. Instead, they seemed quite happy to keep telling me we would be "boarding shortly". When it hit the ten hour mark, i demanded to know what was going on in my finest Jack-Bauer voice, and was eventually told that the eleven hour delay would be extended to a 28 hour delay; and we'd all be staying in an airport hotel over night, on the house. Bollocks.

I got some free cash to spend as i pleased in the airport too, as some form of apology i suppose. Needless to say i blew the whole lot in arcades and coffee shots. Another pile of cash well spent.

Not much of an update sadly, but there's not much to update you on. I've taken loads of pictures already, and there will be many more i'm sure. Soon as i'm back i'll be sure to upload them all and show you our wonderous adventures, unlike the AWOL Ninja comics which were promised weeks back (i have a good reason for that by the way, but it's a long story involving broken scanners and an unfair returns policy)

Until then, i'm told that our first stay in Messina (Italy) doesn't have any internet access, and even if it did i doubt we're staying there long enough for me to get bored and get the laptop out anyway.

I'll write when we hit Australia, which if all goes according to plan (no more of that easyjet crap) should be two to three weeks from this very day.

Laters all.