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Nothing is sacred

So a few minutes ago, i make one of my Caption Contest threads. I've been doing them for months on end. Not "Ninja-Vox's Caption Contest" not "caption contest: ninja-vox edition", just "caption contest". I post a picture... people make comical captions, i pick the best one, people have some fun, the end.

Like i said, i've been doing these for months. Then one day a while back, i see "Create a caption!" by freeky_zeeky. I have nothing against the guy. I point out that he's pretty much stolen my thread, but like he says "lots of forums have these!" so i just let it go, not wanting to kick up a fuss.

But then the thing is, he posts them every single day. He creates his own little system of rules, a list of previous winners. He makes it his. I dont mind, because as i've said already, i just made them for something to do. There was no name recognition, and there still isn't even with the thread i made a few minutes ago.

I'm disappointed however, to find more posts saying "hey, only freeky zeeky is allowed to do these!" and other such posts saying "what makes you think YOU can do a caption thread?" rather than actual caption submissions.

"But i invented these threads on OT!" i cry. But it falls on deaf ears.

My thread has well and truly been stolen from me. Not only was i a nice chap and allowed the caption contest to be an open affair, but that politeness has been taken and thrown back in my face.

Nothing is sacred. :P