Ninja-Vox / Member

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So much for the clean slate

Well here i am, back from my very first suspension. In a thread asking "have you ever been suspended and why?" somebody posted "many times, lastly cause i said something about Jesus." To which i replied "well Jesus moderates here; you should no better than to badmouth him."

And for that harmless joke i was not just moderated, but suspended. Make of that what you will.

In other news, having thrown a "PM me for a sig if you like" in my very own signature space only a week ago, i've already made 14 sigs for various people. Maybe i'll start putting "made by Ninja-Vox" on them to gain myself a little sig-monopoly.

While i'm here i may as well shamelessly plug my website. It's over there in that "About Me" thing.

And with that, i'll bid you farewell.