Hello all.
Being the summer 'n all, i decided it made sense to have a bit of a clean up, as inevitably i'm going to be having friends over and all that jazz and, well, month-old lazagne found under the couch didn't seem to do me any favours last year.
While spring/summer cleaning is an incredibly dull activity, it did pay off on this occasion, as i found a mountain of old exam papers i'd been given by random teachers back in the day to do at home in preparation for the real exams.
I very rarely turned these things in to be marked, mainly because i wasn't the most studious of youths, but also because of the things i used to draw on them. Things involving Ninjas.
I'll scan a couple of them tomorrow and throw them on here so you guys can have a looksee and most likely, lose a lot of respect for me and send kind PMs recommending i seek psychiatric help.
Peace out.
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