I was thinking the other day how awesome it would be if Sega rereleased its old awesome arcade games such as Daytona USA and Sega Rally onto a download service like PSN or XBLA. What I need to know is how do I go about contacting the folks at Sega just to throw the idea their way, start a petition if it helps, or anything in between? The mere thought of playing a pixel perfect version of Daytona USA gives me goose bumps. Thanks ahead of time for any replies or answers!
Yeah, it makes sense. A franchise (GoW2) that has already proven itself against one that has been below average. Of course the unproven one will be better than the established one. Sure thing...
My favorite "bad" game is probably Advent Rising. It did have some aiming and frame rate issues but the game was a blast for me personally. I don't really consider it to be a bad game, but the game review community did.
The Japanese seem to just support Japanese companies. It seems like that to me anyway. If this is the case then it doesn't matter who develops the next xbox. It will still be produced by a non-Japanese company.
Nintendo holds back software all the time to prevent huge lulls in big software releases. This is nothing new. I seriously doubt that the Killzone 2 devs said "We can't compete with Gears 2. We better hold off." That just sounds patently absurd. There are many factors involved.
I know this isn't really a System Wars topic, but there is nowhere really fitting to post this. The devs of The Force Unleashed are not following the laws of the Star Wars Universe. Darth Vader actually shoots force lightning in the game, but according to the Episode III book there is no way he could ever use Force Lightning. It requires actual flesh appendages to use, and Palpatine actually considered leaving Anakin to die after he was burned up so bad in the duel with Obi Wan due to the fact that he would never be quite as powerful as he would have been before the massive injuries. He decided that even with those limitations that Anakin would still be extremely formidable as a Sith Lord. I have read a couple instances of magazines/websites mentioning Vader using Force Lightning. No one has caught this. I realize on some level that this is a minor thing, but I think it is important. Lucas usually makes sure that these things are usually consistent. Unless I had some rare misprint of the book then this is stupid.
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