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PS2 Boke Down

    My PS2 finally broke down after about 5 years of good service and to make matters worse not only did it brake down, it took my socom 3 along with it. It got scratched to hell and now I cant play it anymore. So Im gonna wait till the PS3 comes out and then maybe Ill get another copy of socom hopefully it'll be like $15 or $20 then.

    On another note Im trying to make up my mind on the Xbox 360. Ive played a demo of call of duty 2 and it was awsome but then I heard about all the bugs about so Im not sure. I also dont have a HD TV and dont plan on gettin one unless the price goes down to like $300 dollars which I dont see hapennin anytime soon.

Devil May Cry 3

I got devil may cry 3 on saturday for my b-day which is actually 2day but I got it early from my bro. man DMC3 is one of the funnest games Ive played in a long time and yes it is hard but not as hard as I thought it would be. The only times I die is during the boss battles which of course u should expect to die there. And when u do die u start at the beginning of the level, u would think this would be frustrating but it only takes about 5-10 minutes to get back to the boss maybe even less. Im on the 11 level and Im tryin to beat this big a** .....................thing Im not even sure what it is. But it kinda looks like those big things in LOTR:ROTK that drag the catapaults in that final battle. Anyways its a really fun game.

I'll also be getting Tekken 5 which looks like a great game. I cant believe its been a whole decade since the first tekken came out.......I feel like Im gettin old, even though Im only 16. Then after I get that hopefully I'll get NFL Street VOL.3. And my bro said he'll get me a PSP when it comes out cuz he's gonna get one and he'll get one for me too. So yaa can't wait till the 24. And after all of that is the long wait for socom 3.


I jus opened my presents 2day (or yesterday since its midnight) and Im happy . I got an iPod, new shoes and my favorite an Xmod its so cool I mean the iPod is great and all but I like the Xmod better. I also got a $60 gift certificate for gamestop and Goldeneye:rogue agent, its an alrite game but the one on N64 is way better.I would recommend u only rent it.

MGS 3:Snake Eater

Ive been busy with playing video games that I kept forgetin to put sumthin in here once in awhile. Ive been playin MGS 3 over and over gettin all the camos and stuff and also jus to expierence the greatest story in a game over and over. Im obviously not the only one who thinks that since gamespot gave it best story and also best new character, the boss, which I think is well deserved.The ending is a very sad and yet very satisfying moment that even almost makes u cry the first time u see it. and then after the credits......OH MAN !!! I was like WTF that surprised the hell out of me.well anyways if ur a MG fan and dont have this game yet GO BUY NOW!!! anyways yaa merry christmas everybody and a happy new year.

San Andreas

Jus got San Andreas today and it actually is a very very very very good game. Los Santos alone is as big as Vice city and theres still 2 other cities that I have yet to see. I jus cant stop playin the game theres so much to do, I still need to get my stamina up. I already got my muscel stat all the way up and now I need to do the rest (except for fat). I feel like stayin up all night playin it but I got school tomorrow which sux. but I'll probly anyways. :D

its been awhile........

havent been postin in my journal for a long time now so I thought I would start............anyways Ive been backed up in a lot of HM so I had almost no time to do what I want but now that Ive done all of it , well almost, I gotta get GTA:SA this weekend Ive been readin stuff about it sunce its been first announced and I think I kno a lil too much about the game then I should all I dont kno about it is the story which I made sure I didnt until I have it in my hands. But anyways until I do Ill be playin X-Men Legends that I got like a week ago, its a pretty cool game.

MGS 3 demo

guess what I jus got today..............the MGS 3 demo!!!!!!!! Ive been waitin for this for a long time and now I finally got it in my hands! the 2nd best thing to the actual game man and so far I like what I see the animation is more fluid than substance and twin snakes and graphics are the best Ive seen on the PS2 but the only proplem is that the loading time between the radio and the game takes a very long time but that will most likely be fixed when the full game ships.

the new MGS 3 trailer

man these trailers for MGS 3 that r comin out r jus gettin better and better. I cant wait till it finaly comes out in Nov. its gonna be one of the best games to come out this year along with Halo 2 of course. The parts story of MGS 3 that the trailers have shown seems like it will at least be on par with MGS.

goin on the battlefront

I wanna get star wars battlefront so bad rite now........its like socom but in the star wars universe thats really great !

I got manhunt and halo from my bro this weekend even though Im an Xbox owner Ive never played halo which is kinda sad but yaa. Now I kno how good the game really is oh and manhunt now that is a violent game. Best kill in that game is the baseball bat the first time I saw that bat hit the guy in the face then jus watched his head shatter into like a million pieces I was like HOLY SH**!!!.
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