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NinjaJesus232 Blog

My E3 Anticipation

I just watched G4 coverage of Microsoft' E3 Press Confrence and al I can say is wow.

Everything met my expectations especially the first half

RE5 online Co-op,Fallout 3 gameplay footage,new XLBA interface and mechanics,more GOW2 footage and trailer,Netflix-Microsoft partnership,and the new XLBA arcade games such as Portal 2 and the South Park game.

Now I have to sit and wait another day fot Nintendo and Sony's Big Wig performance

Here are some things I'm hoping and wishing for sony to announce at there get together:

1.Team Ico's 3rd project announcement

2.PS3 price cut (probably won't happen though)

3.Halo Chronicles PS3 exlusitivty........HAha jk

360'S broke again

The other night i was involved in another GTA4 binge when suddenly the screen went phsyco.Now i have to wait another 2 or 3 weeks before i can play again. In the mean while i've been playing Silent Hil2 on my PS2. What a kick ass game.

The Last Few Months......

I haven't updated my blog in a while so i thought i'd go ahead and give and update of what i've been doing the last few months....

Mostly I've been playing the Orange Box for my 360.Mostly I'm playing Team Fortress 2 as a sniper on 2Fort.It's insanley awesome.

I am pretty pissed as you may noice on my last blog that a few of the i've been anticipating have been delayed.

On the bright side Rockstar has recently released real details on Bully:Scholarship Edition which is probably my most anticipated game.Sadly i've still got 3 months to wait......

Also I beat Resident Evil 4 on the Wii.This makes it the 3rd time I've beat RE4.Twice on the PS2 and once on the wii.It never seems to get old though.I even wrote a review for it gain.It's probably pne of the best games ever in my mind.

Also my 360 got the Red Ring Of Death.I'm sending it back to Microsoft.I'm pissed.I better quit talking about it.

Anticipated games

A few weeks ago I was watching the G4 E3 coverage. For 3 days I was practically hooked to the tv watching some great games being announced. But as I watched more and more games become announced I became kind of overwhelmed. Many games are coming out very soon in the 2007 Q4 period and many that I plan on getting as soon as they come out such as Bioshock,Assassin's Creed,SKATE.,TH Proving Ground,Jericho,Mass Effect,Too Human and a few more. The problem is that with these games coming out so close to one another I feel overwhelmed at how much I have to pay and how much I need to complete in a short period of time so I don't miss out on something.

Anyways I can't wait for these titles here is a list of my biggest annticipations for Q4 2007

1. Bully Scholarship Edition-Winter

2.Assassin's Creed-November


4.Mass Effect-December


6.Lost Odyssey-October

7.Dark Messiah of Might and Magic

New Idea for Krato's past story

Today I finally finished God Of War II's story completely, and now that i'm done with this game couldn't help but think about the main character (Kratos). This guy is awesome! He single handedly has killed a god and became one himself. So I was thinking there is a lot of gaps in his past story. We seem to know just a little of his story. Between his childhood and fatherhood we are blank besides the fact he was serving in the Spartan army. I was thinking what all did he do in the Spartan army? What battles did fight in? How did he become a high ranking officer? Then it hit me! What if Kratos was one of the 300 at the Battle Of Battle of Thermopylae!! What if Kratos was good friends with King Leonidas. Think how cool that would be if Kratos was one of few who escaped the battle or if he was injured orinelgible to go for some reason and since he was one of the few strong that didn't die he was instantly promoted up the ranks and maybe even he led a group of Spartans in the Battle of Plataea or something like that. I doubt it would be put in the game or even historically possible but it sure would be cool as hell and would be a major nod to the 300 fans out there. Im not saying it should be in the actual gameplay but maybe as one of Krato's flashback or make it a short clip n the Extras of GOW 3. Just saying it would be pretty sweet.......

Bully 2.....

I've been playing Bully for around a month now and I must say this game is amazing.I sure hope Rockstar will make a sequel to it.If they do I've got some suggestions (or hopes) that may go into Bully 2.

-Keep Jimmy Hopkins and Bullworth maybe make it a year later with Jimmy as a side character or adult

-Maybe allow the user to pick which courses its character will take and allow them to have schedule changes (to add more realism to it).

-Allow the user to become part of a clique and change them on there own terms.

-Give the player the option to join a sport (footbal,basketball,baseball,wrestling maybe even debate etc.). Maybe even have required tryouts or when you join the team you must start working out and eating right and they must keep there grades up to particapte.Even have like actual games or competitions against other schools

-Make the school a little bigger and add Much more students (around 200 maybe?) to add more realism.

-Give the player the option to go out with a girl or cheat on her and take her out on date and stuff like that.

-Maybe you have to make the grades or something will happen.Kinda like a choose your path kind of play like if you fail a courseyou must take it over again in summer school or night courses.

-Be able to participate or plan school pranks