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New Idea for Krato's past story

Today I finally finished God Of War II's story completely, and now that i'm done with this game couldn't help but think about the main character (Kratos). This guy is awesome! He single handedly has killed a god and became one himself. So I was thinking there is a lot of gaps in his past story. We seem to know just a little of his story. Between his childhood and fatherhood we are blank besides the fact he was serving in the Spartan army. I was thinking what all did he do in the Spartan army? What battles did fight in? How did he become a high ranking officer? Then it hit me! What if Kratos was one of the 300 at the Battle Of Battle of Thermopylae!! What if Kratos was good friends with King Leonidas. Think how cool that would be if Kratos was one of few who escaped the battle or if he was injured orinelgible to go for some reason and since he was one of the few strong that didn't die he was instantly promoted up the ranks and maybe even he led a group of Spartans in the Battle of Plataea or something like that. I doubt it would be put in the game or even historically possible but it sure would be cool as hell and would be a major nod to the 300 fans out there. Im not saying it should be in the actual gameplay but maybe as one of Krato's flashback or make it a short clip n the Extras of GOW 3. Just saying it would be pretty sweet.......