@XdavidCAzen23x Your the troll here. I am not the one posting things that have nothing to do with the Xbox One. I post reply speaking in the changes that Microsoft has made with the Xbox One. And you post news article talking about the NSA spaying on people.
@XdavidCAzen23x I'm pretty sure the NSA has better thing to do then watch people play video games on there Xbox One. Don't For get that the PS4 also has an camera too... The PlayStation Eye.
@pmubdeeps No, Microsoft was already getting allot of bad press even before the Sony had there press conference. It was bound to happen even with out the PS4 in the picture.
@tapiyuki What are you talking about? They Did it so they can get back the customers they lost from the E3 Fiasco. Did you wan't them to keep there original E3 policy?
@shadowhunter0 Did you even read what I wrote? Wouldn't you change the terms if you were in the one in change of the launch of The XBOX ONE?! Of course you would It is common sense they would. This is a business just like Sony.
I am glad to see this change. I have a gaming PC and a PS3 and a Xbox 360. And now I can actually be ok with buying a PS4 AND a Xbox One. People complain that they can not trust Microsoft because they changed there policies for the better? WTF? People say that they only changed there policies not for the gamer but they only changed for the money? DUH!? Do you people honestly think that if Sony was in there position they would do it for the "gamer"? No... Why do you think Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo make video games/consoles? For the gamer or for the MONEY. They are they are all after your money.
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