We have a thing at my school called NJHS, Nation Jr. Honor Society, and they have come up with an idea to design a website for it and even fix and do the school's own website. Me and some others were chosen to help design and make the website! I am actually pretty excited as this could be a first step to web design for me! The only problem I have with this is that we have one member who knows absoluty nothing about computers, why in the world she was chosen I have no clue, and we have someone who's mom is a computer lab teacher at the school so she thinks that she knows everything. Her design she tried to draw out was crap! Everyone disagreed with her on her idea. She said, here how about we do something like this, and before she even started me knowing her ideas, we used to be good friends, I said, "No wait, how about everyone makes their own design then we vote on which one to use?" "Ummm, no." she said. and after awhile I wanted to just strangle her because her ideas were so boring and stupid! When she left we all just cracked up laughing about how she thinks this is good and this is great when in REALITY they are terrible. Well, I hope that I can really help make this website great and it might even help be a first step to a real website design career, or great interest in it.
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