I'm only writing this out of boredom.
How about two cent stamps? Pizza pie is pretty hot these days; can't open pickle jars; no mail on sunday.
Sooo ... I'm bored. I have nothing to do. Yesterday we had cricket and we won via reverse outright.That means we lost to first innings, sent the other team back in and then bowled them out again, then beat their score in the remaining overs. It's probably the best win I've been apart off. But, to dampen the victory, I've hurt my back and yeah I can't sit up without going 'ouch' and that sucks just a little.
Gaming wise ... Currently playing Fallout 3. I love that game aswell except I can't make my mind up; good or evil. Plus, I keep starting again and the other day, accidently deleted my file and I'd completed about seven missions in the time. Quite frustrating when you think about it. But, I still love the game, despite it's little glitches. They are hell annoying.
I've got a few other games to play; Dead Space. I've had it for 2 weeks and have barely played it because Fallout 3 has consumed me. Then I have Ninja Gaiden 2 which I wanted to get rid off but I've been stuck with and promised myself I'd get around too eventually and I just lent Metal Gear Solid 4 from some kid with a bad haircut.
So, that's all for me. Peace.