So, since I don't have a job I can't be buying games left and right like I used to, but there's a problem; Good games keep comming out! Since they arn't going to play themselves, I've gotta find a way to get my hands on the gems that are heading this way.
So, games I havn't played in a while are crawling to the back of my entertainment center, hiding in hopes I don't sell them. No seriously, I can't find RE5 and Uncharted.... The good thing is that I've been playing a lot of games so I can beat them or finish them and get them out of the way. I've found a new love for Obivion and Valkyria Chronicles. So much love in fact, that now I'm running out games to sell because I don't want to sell them anymore lol.
So I said to myself "Self. Your girlfriend asks you to beat certain parts of a game so she can keep playing. I bet you could help out the skilless for a fee! Make some money and buy those games you want!" After I laughed at myself, I've decided to do some more job hunting. Hopefully something will come up, or prices will go down. Either way.
Until then, all I can do is hang out on the forums and drool at all the coolness everyone is talking about. Its like eating a picture of a pizza. No, its not the real thing, but its fun to pretend (if it didn't taste so bad).
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