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Ninja_Zombie83 Blog

Games Are Hiding From Me...

So, since I don't have a job I can't be buying games left and right like I used to, but there's a problem; Good games keep comming out! Since they arn't going to play themselves, I've gotta find a way to get my hands on the gems that are heading this way.

So, games I havn't played in a while are crawling to the back of my entertainment center, hiding in hopes I don't sell them. No seriously, I can't find RE5 and Uncharted.... The good thing is that I've been playing a lot of games so I can beat them or finish them and get them out of the way. I've found a new love for Obivion and Valkyria Chronicles. So much love in fact, that now I'm running out games to sell because I don't want to sell them anymore lol.

So I said to myself "Self. Your girlfriend asks you to beat certain parts of a game so she can keep playing. I bet you could help out the skilless for a fee! Make some money and buy those games you want!" After I laughed at myself, I've decided to do some more job hunting. Hopefully something will come up, or prices will go down. Either way.

Until then, all I can do is hang out on the forums and drool at all the coolness everyone is talking about. Its like eating a picture of a pizza. No, its not the real thing, but its fun to pretend (if it didn't taste so bad).

Getting Stoked

On Saturday I will finally be getting internet (DSL at 6MB woohoo). Its about time I get back online and dealing out punishment on Killzone 2 so I can finish off that game (and sell it!). I need to sell it among some other games just to save up for whats comming! With my wishlist getting larger and larger, I'm getting pretty stoked for next month:

Ninja Gaiden Sigma 2: I've always loved Ninja Gaiden, and I love teaming up with people, so this game is a must! 26th of this month is Ninja Gaiden Sigma day!

Demon's Souls: Oh man, I've been waiting for this when I first caught wind of it months ago! I went to Gamestop today and pre-ordered it. Its the number one game I'm waiting for out of all the big names comming out. To think it comes out the very next week of Ninja Gaiden!

Uncharted 2: First Ninja Gaiden, next week Demon's week Uncharted 2?! Man you can count on me getting this but my wallet is going to be hurting! The first one was pretty good, but add on a multiplayer and I'm sold.

Ratchet and Clank...and Alpha Protocol: So I get one week off and 2 great games come out lol. Ratchet and Clank is a must-buy for my girlfriend, and Alpha Protocol is looking pretty awesome. Although I will probably wait on Alpha... Ratchet and Clank is going to break me.

Modern Warfare 2: Two weeks go by and probably the biggest game of the year is hitting the shelves. I don't know how, but I am going to have to find a way to scrounge up the money for this game. No brainer.

Assasins Creed 2: The very next week, another smash hit has to come.... I'm betting I am going to have to sell some games or actually hold off on this one. Maybe this will go on my Christmas list unless I can beat everyone else to it!

A TON of games comming out, and thats not even the end of it, MAG, Heavy Rain, and Bayonetta are all around the corner. Needless to say I'm stoked! I can't remember the last time so many great games have come out in such a short period of time. Its like being a fat kid in a candy store!

PS3 Slim Effect

SO, in case no one has noticed, the new PS3 Slim has released! Its been dropped in price to only $299.99! Hallelujah! Sweet! Hype +1...yeah...great...ok now lets hit reality.

Everything else doesn't really matter. You heard me. Its a cheaper ps3 and thats it. Sure it might be a half an inch shorter in lenght, the polish isn't exactly the same and you have to push on the buttons instead of sliding you fingers over them, but is that really going to matter?

People have lost all common sense and are making posts after posts about "how heavy is the new slim?" ... why, do you plan on bench pressing it? "Does it play DVD's?", it IS still a ps3 buddy. Its like people think the new ps4 has come out and they havn't heard of a ps3. NO, its not backwards compatable, neither are any of the other ps3's with the exception of the 60GB's that came out at release over 2 years ago.

What issue needs to be addressed instead is if the ps3 community going to get enough boost in its population? There are a lot of games that are going to come out and many of them depend on a good player base in order to succeed. Games like M.A.G and MW2, Demon Souls, (among others) are releasing within just a couple of months from each other and we currently don't have enough players online to make each of those games a success.

If everyone from CoD goes to M.A.G. and MW2, the Uncharted 2 community might not be strong enough to make it fun. Borderlands might spring alive and quickly grind to a hault much like F.E.A.R 2 did when Killzone 2 came out just a few weeks later. Now you might find 3 people playing on a Fri-Sat night max on FEAR 2.

The only hype worth noting about the ps3 slim, is the possible boost to our player base that will fill all the new multiplayer games comming out. Whenever the population goes up on a network, things change. Sometimes good, sometimes bad. World of Warcraft started charging its customers more when they got a couple million more players. Final Fantasy Online started adding updates once a week! What will happen to the PSN...who knows, but there will be change and it will be thanks to the mighty ps3 Slim!

A Glutton for Punishment!

Well since I've recently moved down to Dallas, I don't have a job so I can't afford internet...for the ps3. Now that I can't play online, i've been trying to play some of the games I've neglected, especially the difficult games to get platinum on.

All my platinum trophies have been pretty easy so far because I've enjoyed the game, but Its gotten to the point that some of these games arn't even fun anymore, but its the challenge that keeps me going. Games like Mirrors Edge, Bioshock, Prototype, Killzone 2, have me playing parts that are down right frustrating. My tv's self esteem has hit rock bottom by all the cursing I do at it. My dog is scared to sit next to me while I play and my girlfriend gets a kick out of my rants about "pixels from Satan!" and "noobs find me even when I'm offline!".

I don't even understand how the difficulty can be fun at this level, but I do have a new respect for people who take that extra step in getting that platinum trophy on certain games. Those that demand a certain skill level does earn adegree of respect because I understand what they probably had to go through to earn it. Heck even parts that arn't difficult, but require pacients like Prince of Persia's 1001 light seeds say something about a persons dicipline.

Call it what you will, but I'm not a "trophy whore", I'm just a guy who fuels competition with any reason, be it a trophy or the fact there's something in the game yet to be done. Its like the game is saying "I bet you can't do this..." I'm still playing MGS4 attempting to get Big Boss, despite having no rewards other than saying "yeah, I did it." I can't wait to finish these games so I can say I'm totoally finished!... And then sell them back for a new game, if not for fun, at least for a new challenge. Guess I just enjoy the punishment!