Well since I've recently moved down to Dallas, I don't have a job so I can't afford internet...for the ps3. Now that I can't play online, i've been trying to play some of the games I've neglected, especially the difficult games to get platinum on.
All my platinum trophies have been pretty easy so far because I've enjoyed the game, but Its gotten to the point that some of these games arn't even fun anymore, but its the challenge that keeps me going. Games like Mirrors Edge, Bioshock, Prototype, Killzone 2, have me playing parts that are down right frustrating. My tv's self esteem has hit rock bottom by all the cursing I do at it. My dog is scared to sit next to me while I play and my girlfriend gets a kick out of my rants about "pixels from Satan!" and "noobs find me even when I'm offline!".
I don't even understand how the difficulty can be fun at this level, but I do have a new respect for people who take that extra step in getting that platinum trophy on certain games. Those that demand a certain skill level does earn adegree of respect because I understand what they probably had to go through to earn it. Heck even parts that arn't difficult, but require pacients like Prince of Persia's 1001 light seeds say something about a persons dicipline.
Call it what you will, but I'm not a "trophy whore", I'm just a guy who fuels competition with any reason, be it a trophy or the fact there's something in the game yet to be done. Its like the game is saying "I bet you can't do this..." I'm still playing MGS4 attempting to get Big Boss, despite having no rewards other than saying "yeah, I did it." I can't wait to finish these games so I can say I'm totoally finished!... And then sell them back for a new game, if not for fun, at least for a new challenge. Guess I just enjoy the punishment!