Word is that there is a 360 shortage. Pre-orders have reached its max. Anyway I wouldn't be able to afford it right now. I will just wait it out to maybe next summer-06 or even Holidays-06 or dare I say summer -07. It will give time for games & consoles to drop in price. To see what games are available & at what price. Not to mention to allow developers to adjust to the new technology. I also I have enough games to keep me busy not to mention the upcoming games on the current generation consoles. There are other priorities right now than expensive consoles. So I will take a wait & see approach to what the next-generation has to offer especially Nintendo's "Revolution". Will Sony's PS3 be as powerful as they say it is? Will 360 be the best overall value as the PS2 was in this current generation? I will wait at least one-year to decide on which console to purchase. By then all 3 will be on the market.
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