By the way, just to clarify I'm not getting flickering dots or red and green pixels or anything - just faint vertical lines, only visible in certain scenes. So far I've confirmed this on 5 different Wiis, even one that came back from Nintendo after a repair. Try booting up Metroid Prime 3 and stare at a grayish wall texture - you'll see the lines. Or swim to the very bottom of the lagoon in Deep Dark Galaxy in Mario Galaxy.
Just checked my cousin's two-week old Wii yesterday and yup, same vetical lines in the Wii Menu, Super Paper Mario, Mario Galaxy and Metroid. I guess that settles it, it must be natural after all. Maybe some people can see the lines, others can't.
I don't have Super Paper Mario yet but I do get similar looking lines in my Wii Menu, and the aforementioned Metroid prime Corruption and Mario Galaxy too. All GameCube games except for Zelda look fine though.
Ever since Nintendo started manufacturing their systems in China instead of Japan, it seems like the build quality and reliability has been kinda inconsistent... My old SNES only started showing a large vertical band onscreen about 6 years after I first bought it.
I was wondering, if you ever get the chance could you test Super Paper mario on someone else's Wii and see if the same issue with lines exists? Also if you have Mario Galaxy, do you see the lines when reading Rosalina's book? I already know of at least 3 other Wiis, including my cousin's brand-new one, that have the same issue so i'm guessing it's actually natural and not a defect in the Wii after all.
Dude, I have the exact same issue. I see faint but evenly spaced vertical lines under the Wii settings screen, and you can also make them out under the Wii Message Board. Also the lines show up in Metroid Prime 3 and Mario Galaxy. In Mario Galaxy they're especially noticeable if you read the book in Rosalina's Library. And you know what else is odd? I'm quite sure I never had these lines before I first popped in Metroid Prime 3 (maybe it had a buggy update?) but of course i could be wrong. At least the lines don't show up in the Mii channel, Photo Channel and GameCube games...
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