i personally think its sweet. i saw the e3 thing when they were showing that and it looked pretty awsome i love their Wii made games like Wii play and Wii sports and i cant wait to get Wii Sports resort and Wii music since i alread do play the drums : ) I think the Wii motion plus with revolutionaize the Wii and the way you play its games.
I like all the characters on the roster. They each have their own little thing. If i could add a few characters it would probably be Isaac, Garret, and/or Felix from the golden sun series instead of Isaac being an assit trophy. Their final smashes would be so awsome, they could summon their djinn from the games and do some major damage. Another one would be a character that could change from a Zora, a Goron, and a Deku just like in Zelda: Majors Mask. I wouldnt ad a Link to that character because that would be too many types of links in the game. But their final smash could be turning into Fierce Diety Link or summon the 4 giants in the game and owning everyone! Another one could be skull kid from Majoras mask. He could use the power of his mask to destroy, and his Final smash could be turning into one of the final bosses that he turns into at the end of the game.
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