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NintendoDSChik2 Blog

GBA Movie Player/ PSP???

I'd really like to watch movies and listen to music on my DS. So I'm thinking about purchasing GBA Movie Player. Although I'm not sure whether I'll find it annoying, the screen being so small.

Wondering whether i should have purchased PSP instead.   

Should I get a DS?! (Rant)

So many people post topics in the forums about whether they should buy a DS or not.

First of all, do your research! Read up about it. Go shopping to find out the sort of games available. Talk to your friends who know you better and know your taste.

Second of all, in the DS section, the majority of us are DS fans and own one. Of course we are going to say, yes buy the DS. Also most of the time, people just give usless info (example: Yes buy the DS! It rocks!). A waste of time and space.

Third of all, it you are desperate to find out useless information, there are a million topics on it so don't create a new one! Look at some of the old ones, there are so many.

Finally, it's not anyone's decision but theirs whether they should buy a DS or not. Make up your mind yourself and stop posting threads about it!

Games Wishlist

Animal Crossing- heard it's good and i think it would be my kind of game. Need wi-fi connector!

FIFA 06 (Soccer)- been finding very hard to get. Every shop I've been to doesn't have it in stock!

Mario Kart- {MAYBE} everyone is raving about it, is it really that good, or is it just overrated!?

Need for Speed 2 Underground- (if i don't get MK)

Few cheap GBA games :D