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Bioshock & Other Gaming Goodness

Well, for whatever reason I hadn't picked up a copy of Bioshock (the critically acclaimed FPS of 2007) until just a few days ago. After picking up Star Ocean: Last Hope and being turned off by it's story and characters, I opted to trade it in, and picked up Bioshock instead - which I got used for 18 bucks at Game Crazy.

And I have to say, for once, the hype was right. The game is absolutely brilliant. It's gun play was decent, but launched into awesome via the use of "plasmids" (which are genetic modifications allowing you to use "magic", if you will, to do things like shot fire, lightning, ice and even bees out of your hands, amongst other interesting things). It's atmosphere is intense, to say the least, as you're trapped in an underwater utopia built by all the brightest minds in the world at the bottom of the Alantic Ocean, which has descended into chaos and madness, and is now an empty shell, with sea water flooding in. What citizens are left have been driven mad by the negative effects of ADAM (the substance that plasmids are made from) and generally aren't very nice, attempting to kill you at any cost to get what ADAM you have on you. The story is absolutely astounding for an FPS - no, scratch that, any game, and the plot twists, and characters that make up the plot itself are delivered and presented in a fashion that rivals any move you can think up. Beating Bioshock left me in a state of awe. Not at the ending, which isn't half as awesome as the plot twist presented to the player about 2/3 of the way through the game. But at the almost perfect presentation. I can't think of any movie that left me with this feeling, perhaps a good book, but oh my god was it a ride I'll not soon forget.

Which is good, since part 2 is coming out near the end of this year. Although, I'm a bit skeptical about the continuing quality of Bioshock games. This skeptisism doesn't have anything to do with the original, but the fact that they are planning 5 (that's right, **** five) parts to the franchise makes me rather weary. The story, I feel anyways, is going to end up getting spread a little too thin, and end up tasting a bit stale by the end, if not sooner. The movie is a whole 'nother story. If they are in fact making a movie to simply chronicle the events of the first game, it very well could work out beautifully. The story and atmosphere of the game would do well on the big screen. It just makes sense. I mean, you look at a game like doom, or a game like Street Fighter, or any other game I can think of that has been butchered on the big screen, and they didn't work because they don't "fit". It's hard to make any kind of compelling flick out of a game like that, an anime, OVA or manga can work, because those types of entertainment don't have the boundaries films do. But maybe that's just me.

Moving past my Bioshock gamergasm, there are a few upcoming and recent titles that have me stoked or... had me stoked? RE5 was awesome. A lot of people bash it for being too short, having the AI partner (which honestly, you need to play it co-op. And do it with a friend. If you don't have a friend to play with, you should try making one instead of bashing games.) or being too action game(ish?). By this point, if you haven't figured out RE isn't a survival horror franchise anymore, you deserve a right good **** slap.

While most people are talking about the new Batman game coming up (Archam Asylum), I've got my eyes set on the new X-Men game coming up, or rather, X-Man, as it's only Wolverine. While I'm not a fan of movie games, or even comic games, as most turn out to be **** this looks pretty nifty. He's Wolverine as he's meant to be, he's strong, he has metal claws sticking out of his knuckles, he's got metal bones that can't break, he regenerates, and he's pissed. With pretty damn shiny graphics and God of War-esque gameplay, I have to say I'm impressed so far.

To list off a few other games that I'm looking forward to, though I'll probably forget a few. There's Archam Asylum, "The Wolverine Game", Bioshock 2, God of War 3, (maybe) Final Fantasy XIII, and ahh, I can't think of anything else at the moment. That's what I get for doing this at 1 AM while drinking.

On a completely unrelated note, I'm a little annoyed with the way Bleach is moving along. With the new scans coming out they seem to be following the "DBZ Pattern". IE, main character starts out weak, then gets stronger, then obtains a new power to beat a seemingly overpowering foe. Main character wins, new foe appears thats seemingly MORE overpowering, and main character gets a new power to beat that dude. At least DBZ was straight forward with super sayin 1, 2, 3, and so on. But bleach tries to "cover" said pattern up, which is funny because it doesn't work. First its the Soul Reaper powers, then it's releasing his zanpakto, then it's achieving bankai, then it's becoming a vizard, now it's this weird... hollow... thing? It's still a good anime/manga, but it's sad to see it conform so obviously to such a tired format.

Here I come!

In the coming weeks I'll finally be rid of my super secret medical condition that has handycapped me for the past several months. And, fortunatly, won't have the time to play MMO's anymore. Which leaves me needing someplace to interact with gamers, as my local peers don't fit the bill. So, I'll be wasting my non-gaming free time posting and contributing on Gamespot.

Gamespot community, look out, here I come!

My 2 cents on the X$ a month comlpaint.

I see a lot of people **** about this, and put simply, it's stupid.

First off, this is the internet, no one gives a **** that you don't want to pay 15$ a month for an MMO. In fact, no one gives a **** that I'm typing this. Hell, even I don't.

But no amount of not giving a **** will change the fact that you are just being narrow minded. Sure, if you gave a different reason, I might understand, but the monthly fee isn't a good point to argue from when trying to rag on MMOs that charge a fee.

Let's look at it this way, shall we? On average, you buy one game every two months, k? And we're talking Wii/PS3/360, so a good 50-60 bucks per game.

That's 30$ a month. Not bad, playing an MMO would be cheaper, but not bad. But seriously? 1 game in 2 months? That's some bull**** right there. Even saying you rent games let's say you rent 4 games and buy 1 every 2 months. Going with 5$ and 60$ a game that's still 80 bucks.

That's 40$ a month. Well, now we're being a little more realistic. Now you might argue that you have a life, and friends, and **** to do, you don't have time to beat more than one game every month or two that'd be fine. Except I'd know your spewing bull****. You wouldn't be reading this right now unless you were really **** bored would you? No, you wouldn't.

Hell what's the point of this? Right now you're doing one of three things:

1) You're not really reading, but actually thinking of something else WHILE you're "reading". You'd be surprised how many people actually do that too.

2) You're agreeing with the random points I've been making.

3) Or you're getting ready to type up a furious response because I just don't understand. Or maybe you'll get fancy and drop something like a racial slur or a high-school insult. Or even better, an internet meme. Just go all forum-troll on me and let me know you heard that I like mudkips. Or that you have a really cool video on the topic of what I've been saying, and link me to a Rick Roll.

Yes, I did have to capitalize Rick and Roll up there. It seemed appropriate. But what the **** is appropriate on the interwebs now-a days?

Or Maybe I should offend someone. Drop a Jew joke, or a black joke or something? Rag on halo, tell you how gay WoW is, or go on about how X console is better than Y console.

Well, I'm out, I'm bored of typing. Was fun though.