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#1 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

So, I'm over at a friend's house, and they have a 360 hooked up in the living room with a 1080p HDTV.

We have RE5, and we're stoned. So we figure, we'll just switch the HDD's and play our save files to see how sharp it looks on that big ass TV.

Well, aside from him accidentally accepting to install the "New Xbox Experience" onto his console, which I still don't see how that worked, nothing happened in particular, until we hook the HDD back up to my elite we had in his room. And WHAM, the two profiles (mine and his) we used to play RE5 with on the other 360 were corrupted. So there goes all our save data, which was also all corrupted. For all games.

Not ONLY that, but he then transferred his save files from GH2 off the living room 360 onto a memory card, and when we went to play it on my 360 BAM, that was corrupted too.

So I don't get it, is my Xbox a profile eater? Is there some hidden, mythical, defect between the regular 360's and the elites that causes them to sabotage eachother's profiles or what? I guess it's not a really big deal, since I can still get all my acheivements and whatnot back from XBL but still... Unlocked characters in SF4, Several infinite weapons in RE5, my Bioshock saves, Fable 2 saves, etc. all gone for good? That is ****

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#2 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

I need a game to follow up after Bioshock, and since I only have a 360 and a broken Wii, I came here. And yes, I JUST picked up Bioshock.

What I want: (not 100% needed, but wanted) A good story, preferably a decent length single player experience of I'd say at least 10 hours (co-op is a plus though, as I often play games with friends). (maybe, not required) some good mutliplayer. DLC is nice, but it can't be too gimicy, and the game can't feel "incomplete" without it. Genre doesn't matter.

Games I've already completed/own: Fable 2, CoD4, Bioshock, Oblivion, DBZ: BL, Halo 3, SFIV, Mass Effect, Tales of Vesperia, Lost Odyssey, RE5, Skate, The Orange Box, Rock Band, Guitar Hero 2/3, Assassin's Creed.

Games I didn't like: Star Ocean: The Last Hope, GRAW 1/2, R6V 1/2, Gears of War 1/2.

And please, don't just throw Fallout 3 in my face, I still haven't decided if I want to try that game, same goes for GTAIV, which I probably won't ever buy.

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#3 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

CoD4 for me as well.

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#4 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

Instead of just recommending games to him we aught to give him a preview of what the game is like.

You say you didn't like LO, can you give us a reason why? I can understand FFXI, however that's not an RPG per say, it's an MMORPG. And a very dated one at that.

As other posters have mentioned Mass Effect and Tales are very good games.

Tales has a 3d plane, and real time combat, think a mixture between a fighting game and an RPG. However, it has a very punishing difficulty. On the plus side you can switch difficulty mid-game. So if you get stuck on a boss on normal you can switch it to easy if you chose to. Has a very deep story, likable protagonist and the works. As far as JRPGs go it's very well done.

Mass Effect is a 3rd person shooter RPG with touches of a magic system (although, it's bionics instead). It's a free choice system similar to KOTOR games. As I believe it's made by the same company, however don't quote me on that. The downside to the game is that it's fairly short, and many people (like myself) get turned off by what side quests are there. It does have a lot of replay value though.

Other games such as Last Remnant, Star Ocean and Blue Dragon have things in the gameplay that turn people off, if they turn you off or not is something you should look into. Star Ocean has a combat system similar to the tales games, but better, however many feel the story and character development to be lacking. I'm less informed on the downsides to LR and BD however many out there love to diss on them, so maybe someone can shed some light on those games for you.

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#5 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

Whichever one would blow the disk into the biggest number of pieces... I yearn for the old days of Resident Evil, when the game was Survival Horror and not some second rate third person shooter with crap AI.


Really? He's simply asking for advice about in-game weapons, but yet you felt you needed to **** about the gameplay direction that CAPCOM is taking RE in? I understand you complaints but this isn't the thread for that.

As per the OP, the starting weapons in each catigory are very well balances peices. If you plan to simply play through the game once, without stopping to either farm for money, or to cheat via douping, then they are very solid choices. The upgrades are cheap, they have the highest ammo capacity and are realativly powerful. The first rifle you get is my favorite rifle to this day.

As far as absolute favorites go, the hidden pistol (you can buy it for 30k after fully upgrading the first pistol) would probably be my favorite, 3 round burst and second(?) strongest pistol in the game. The handcanon (hidden mag, unlocked the same way but with the first mag instead of the first pistol) is a close second due to the stupid amount of power it has.

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#6 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

First JRPG? Funny you pick one produced by the same guys that started Final Fantasy up from the bottom. Congrats on being lucky :P It's a very well done game.

As per reccomendations for future JRPGs for you to play I'll break it up a bit between generations. Keep in mind, these are just games I've played, there's more out there. Please research future JRPG's before buying them, as some focus on different things, and you might find youself getting turned off by a particular game that you expected to enjoy.

Current Gen- Tales of Vesperia(360) maybeEternal Sonata(360/PS3), maybe Star Ocean: Last Hope

Last Gen- Final Fantasy X(PS2), Tales of Symphonia (GC), maybe Final Fantasy XII(PS2), maybe Tales of The Abyss(PS2), maybeStar Ocean: Till the End of Time

Old School- Suikoden I/II(PSX), Final Fantasy V/VII/VIII/IX(PSX), Final Fantasy I(NES), Final Fantasy II(PSP), Final Fantasy III(DS), Final Fantasy IV/VI(SNES), Crono Trigger(SNES), Crono Cross(PSX), Dragon Warrior I/II(NES/GB)

Note- Final fantasy is all ****ed up because as far as US original releases we never got II III or V. So for us IV was II and VI was III. Only when VII was released did they stop ****ing up our numerical order. So unless you emulate (and even then, you need a fan-translated version) the only way to play II III or V in english is on later platforms. Though, most FF games have been re-released, so you don't need an SNES or NES to play them legaly.

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#7 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts

I've played too many to type up in a forum post but I'll list a few of the popular ones. The rest just stay in my memorys.


Final Fantasy X

Final Fantasy XII

Kingdom Hearts

Kingdom Hearts II

God of War

God of War II

Need for Speed: Underground

Need for Speed: Carbon

Soul Calibur II

Soul Calibur III

Star Ocean: Til the End of Time

Tony Hawk's Underground

Tony Hawk's Underground 2 

Tony Hawk's American Wasteland

Tony Hawks Pro Skater 4

Full Metal Alchemist 2: Something or rather. 

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#8 NintendoFan1990
Member since 2005 • 31 Posts
Well, it really depends. I can't remember the first time however. That was about 10 years ago. I know that some games are depressing to beat. Beating a game alone is eh.  I might feels stupid for getting help sometimes. But I don't feel good for NOT getting any. Just natural.
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