I GOT MY HO-OH! I got it on my third try (that is, I restarted the game from my save point three times before I got it), I got it using my first dusk ball :D My hopes weren't too high, I wasn't expecting to catch it with the dusk ball. But, 1 shake, 2 shake, 3 shake and BAM! I caught a Ho-Oh! I called it Fawkes, after the Phoenix in Harry Potter . ^_^
NintendoWeasel fun fact: my name combines my two favorite things in the world - Nintendo, and the Weasley family from Harry Potter.
Now on to the rant, didn't wanna start off on a negative note.
So I was hanging out in the tall grass, trying to find that stupid Kurt dude who makes the apricorn pokeballs, and just as I was about to leave the tall grass , I hear this freaking strange music. Not the Pokemon battle music, but this weird music. AND! A WILD ENTEI APPEARED! I just gasped and stared it for like 10 seconds before I told my Growlithe to use reflect. AND! THE! FREAKING! STUPID! ENTEI! FLED! GRAAAAAAAAASDFUIOPSDF
Also, that stupid Day Care man keeps calling me, cause apparantley leaving your Dratini and Poliwag in the Day Care center results in lots of weird Pokebaby eggs. I have 4 eggs and counting.
Anyone have any info on the weird never ending Day Care eggs? Such as when do they hatch, how do they hatch, what do they hatch into?
Well, I have to begin my math work now. I'm leaving the E3 Microsoft Press Conference window open, cause it's starting in two hours, and even though I'm not all that interested in Microsoft, I'll get it for the emblem. Hope I won't miss the Nintendo one tomorrow! :D
Hope everyone's having an amazing day :)