Hey everyone. I've been having a difficult day today - lots of things have been going wrong. This picture always cheers me up though, so I thought I'd share it with you guys.
I hope it cheers you up too :) .
I've gotten my 6th badge on Pokemon Diamond - Byron was surprisingly easy, and with the help of a walkthrough here on Gamespot, I was able to navigate the gym puzzle. I'm up to about 101 pokemon on my Pokedex.
Other than Pokemon, I've only been playing one other game - that Brain Training game that came with my DSi XL :lol: . Except I play it in German :? cause I failed it last semester so I want to improve it. I only understand a few words in the game but I'll get there haha.
Well, that's all I've got for today. Hopefully if I'm not too busy, I'll be writing a review for Guitar Hero or Pokemon Diamond.
Oh and about the title of this post - Gamespot told me I couldn't name my blog post "Remus" cause I already had a post with that name. I was listening to Spoonman while writing this so that became the title :lol: . It's an awesome song, check it out if you haven't already.