Well, a blog where finally people know what I'm saying.
Unfortuantly, I don't have much to say. If you see someone on a different board with the name "Niroth" it may not be me.
Boards/games I'm on: Red Alert A Path Beyond - screen name: Gunslinger
Yoyogames forums - screen name: Niroth
Battle Front II - screen name: Gunslinger (same for BF I)
CnC 3 - screen name: Xailic
And that's pretty much it. The current games I am playing are: Advance Wars: Days of Ruin, Gary's Mod (won't stop, Help me!), Battalian Wars (finally beat a mission I'm stuck on), Metal Arms: Glitch in the System - on Nuts of Steel! difficulty, Elite Beat Agents on Hard ROCK! difficulty, and Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit 2.
A lot of those may seem like old games, but retro is my style. If something of interest comes up, I'll post it.
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