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Edited By Nite_Dubs

Cut me some slack proto-x-mk2 I'm fighting a cold. :( But yeah slight oversight on my part. lol

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Edited By Nite_Dubs

Oh same here. :) Heck I had to upgrade just to play the game. It was mostly a question of what fit my budget. Went from a 6800 series to the 7900. Figure that will stretch my PC through this season then in two years or so I can just build a top of the line new rig.

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Edited By Nite_Dubs

XanderBee I'm running Bioshock on a P4, 3.4 ghz, 2mb RAM, 7900 GS. Unless I'm mistaken I'm running the game at it's max settings with a resolution to fit my TV at 1024 x 768. Now I'm not sure how this compares to your rig, but so as long as I immediately go into Bioshock after starting up I experience minimal problems. I do have the occasional lag issue, but this rarely rears its ugly head. The only thing which is annoying which I'm sure is due to my rig is the loading times are very long. That and as I had mentioned if I say go into the internet prior to playing Bioshock I do experience more lag. I can't even think about going into another program while the game is running as I'll get lag up the butt. Still for you if you are going to upgrade your card I would go with something more. Going from a 7600 to a 7900 doesn't seem like much. Basic rule of thumb I follow is if I'm moving forward at least three generations then I'm good. I've always found Tom's Hardware listing to be helpful. Hope this helps.