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Nitrous123 Blog

10 Sunflowers in Hexix

As most of you know from playing the demos at Target (or wherever), each Premium X360 comes with a Bounce-Out clone called Hexix. Today while I was playing that game, I made 10 sunflowers! (Unfortunately, 6 were made into clusters, so when the game ended I had 4.) I also discovered that if you have 2 contiguous sunflowers you can move them to virtually anywhere on the board.

Xbox 360 purchased!

So on the 19th of January I found a store with premium Xbox 360s in stock, so I decided to buy one. And then I played PGR3 until a few hours ago, when I decided to recover my old Xbox Live account. But it said that I had to reset my profile in order to do that! I tried to work things out with Microsoft, but they couldn't help me. So I reset my profile, and lost my rank 10 and arcade player achievments, and the 29% of the game I had completed. And then  I played my games until I got all of it back, and then some.

Core 360s in stock

A few months ago, I reserved my Xbox, and this afternoon, I discovered that EB's Core Xbox 360s have come in, but I decided to continue to "Shoot the Sun" (as in Hearts) and go for the premium.