There is actually a lot of difference in these pictures, however most aren't taking the time to really notice. Look at the ground in most of the pictures and the walls to see the differences in stone texture. Also look in the back ground and see how far the trees go before they become blended together. No there isn't a huge revolution in graphics here but this is one of the most recent games to be developed for all 3 systems and I am glad gamespot did this. I am not being a fan boy, but in these PC by far has the better appearance followed by the PS3.
I don't know its the same old same old. I have quit WOW now but I remember when Burning Crusade came out. Everyone made such a big deal about it. I remember saying ok well I enjoyed the game and new stuff so lets go see. The first thing I saw after entering the portal was amazing. The pit lord was awesome thats all I can say. However, as soon as I landed in Hellfire Peninsula, not even going to say which strong hold because that will only start a rant of 30 comments say horde or alliance rules, the first thing I saw was a pig with spikes. The same exact pig with spikes I passed in the Badlands walking to the portal to go to Outlands. But o well there had to be newer things right. O I was mistaken, 90% of the models I came across were the same old same old. It drove me nuts basically playing the exact same game again when I expected like Blizzard promised all new content. Hell even the equipment went back to looking like the exact same armor I had when I was 40. And all the work I had put in for the couple of months before hand was destroyed in about 20 minutes when I got greens from Outlands that made the purples I had useless. But I stuck with it, made it to 70 and was alright with it for a while. However, it became a job not a game. Hell I couldn't just have fun.I played a warlock, which yes I will agree they are overpowered for all you out there who hate them, and loved to just goof off doing things I liked. When people started telling me though ok your going to hit the numbers 4, 5, 6 and then hit 3 over and over again(this is a hot key reference) it pissed me off. I liked having fun and it annoyed the crap out of me how it became a job. Anyways onto the expansion, it looks like the same thing and thats what I am getting at with all of this. It might be fun for a few weeks but its the same models, same classes, same everything. I will be excited and "WOW"ed when we see Blizzard come out with something unique again.
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