OK, OK, I know, I know
Its been about 5 months since my last (kinda) in depth blog post so I'll revise the blog scheme and hope it makes it a bit more regular.
from now on (hopefully *crosses fingers*) I'll split the blog into segments, not all blogs will have all the segments listed and may only have one. Here's the list:
My Life: Stuff that happens in my life not gaming related
New Games: Any new games I purchase and my impressions of them
Speak Out: the rants I was refering to 3 posts down
Utub: I watch a lot of vids on teh Utub and if I see anything interesting I'll post a link here
Shoutout: this is just a link or reference to a website or group that I have an interest in
0th3r g4mez: anything else gaming related that comes to mind
So thats the structure I'll add other segments if I think of any more (feel free to suggest some in the comments) and the first post to follow the structure should be up soon!