Hey all,
It's been a while so I think should do a short gaming update. Lot's of new things going on . New games and new platforms for yours truely to enjoy them on. Lets start with Fallout NV. Im not going to waste time spell checking so forgive the glitches people.
My PC rig (2.4ghz quad core q66 - 8gb ram- Nvidia 260gtx- asus board) .
Fallout NV- OK So I was a tad disappointed at the graphics but considering the size of the world and familiarity with Fallout 3 It's fine. I LOVED fallout 3 and was only disappionted by the level cap at 20. I can see where obsidian tried to improve and some of those improvements , so far, are very much welcome. The AI controlled partner is a HUGE help and its great to have a pack mule. I recently switched to Raul and his cynical comments are just plain great. I play in Hardcore mode and find it more of a nuicance than a real difficulty booster. Im about 45 hours in or so and I still have not gotten into New Vegas so I think its a tad too early for a reviw, but Ill post one later.
Let me say this. Glitches, crashes and crap are mega frustrating here. I have it for PC (as any self-respecting gamer should) and although Im glad its on steam, this game has been publicly beta tested on everyone. Now its better and many of the issues are fixed, but it does crash every 6 or 7 hours I would say. Save often. Oh and it's NOT your card... theres just some issue with the engine, I get the best results by pulling sliders down by 3 or so each and setting it to max settings then changing the Resolution to 720p and the AA to 2x with 10 or so samples of as filtering.
Also I wanted to add- I played Fallout 3 with the mouse and keyboard- But for some reason I find the 360 controls work AWESOME on this game It maps them automatically and Its MUCH more responsive and smooth playing with the 360 controlls. The glitches in frame reate etc are not an issue with it. Odd I never thought I would preffer a controller on a game like this.
Ok so I finally got witht the rest of the world and bought a smart phone. It's an HTC Droid incredible from Verizon. WOW, I am a mac guy and let me just say......WOW. This phone is amazing, It does everything. But since this is a gaming site let me mention a few games that are just awesome on this thing.
#1. Zenonia- This is a RPG sorta like Zelda LTtP and It's the best one I have played on phone. I-Phone users will be familiar with this and almost everything else becuase obviously driod is a behind a tad in the games dept.
#2. Raging Thunder 2 is a 3d Car racing games with awesome graphics. You use the phones acceleraometer to drive by tilting the phone. Great 3d game really shows off the awesomeness of the phone.
#3. Crusade of Destiny is a 3d action RPG very generic but a nice looking game mostly just a grindfest though.
#4. Angry Bird - A puzzle type action game- in the vein of worms or patapon. Its a great time killer.
#5. Pocket Legends-BETA- Ok so Im not a MMO fan , but this a reat game its a fairly fleshed out MMO that features what you have probably come to expect. Allout of grinding still...not too shaby...
--Oh and emulation- I have to try this but there are GBA emultors like GVBA .
Well thats absout it. I just wanted to give you all an update. Im still debating the purchase of AC@ Brotherhood. I still have to beat NV though I think.
Peas out-
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