Well, I got a copy of Fable 2 on launch night and traded in Dead space...which I liked...allot.
I discovered that glitched as it is it really grows on you. OK so let me get the issues out first. The x360 sounds like it's gonna die 80% of the time while the game is running for some reason, may just be mine but seriously that thing is loud. OK I know that's not really a glitch.
OK here we go-the menus have a lag while they load....is this a big deal....not really but it is annoying when want to just make a quick menu selection. There are some graphical glitches like when you are asked to look at the spire for the first time...Looks like the bottom is missing entirely, it's not til later you realize its supposed to be sticking up out of the sea.
numerous hick ups etc....but let me say, I was able to over look that stuff rather easily. I think if the did a PC version like Lost Chapters, these could be address and make the game truly flawless. It's also great that game lets pick a gender and even a sexual preference, heck you can even gender bend if want---you'll get some weird comments if you do.
I'm so complete immersed at this point that with my EVIL character who likes to redecorate the house of the people shes about to slaughter after they pay her rent.....Yeah really the game gives you a TON of ways to enjoy the world of Albion.
I started good but then I remembered that evil will always triumph because good is dumb.I am having a hard time sleeping lately and have a feeling that not only am I ruining lives in the game I may be ruining my own as well. I really need to put this thing down.