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Noctobum Blog

Finally my RPG fix!

After months of waiting, I've finally bought Star Ocean: The Last Hope for the Xbox 360.

Now I haven't played with it too much to fully critique it, but I do have some quick first impressions.

FIRST IMPRESSIONS: Star Ocean: The Last Hope (Xbox 360)

After putting the DVD in the disc tray, and then launching the game, the game cinematic plays. Now I guess I'm biased because of FF series, but it felt like the graphics for the game sequence, could've been.. better? I quickly compared it to the opening sequence of Infinite Undiscovery, and that sequence, in my own personal opinion was a little bit better.

Past that, the menu system was nice and flashy, but when you go the options, its a little bit hard to notice the blinking arrows on the screen to show you that there is more content and settings to adjust, thanks to the color scheme.

So I start a new game, on Galaxy mode of course, and the game begins. Most of the time, the game sequence of an JRPG (well the ones I've played at least) is a montage of cinematics that are shown throughout the whole game pieced into one. That, or it's entirely different and built just for that opening. However with SOTLH, the game sequence AND the opening sequence is entirely the same. The only difference is that now, there is commentary. I was a little bit disappointed and was hoping for something new.

Edge - Trying to be badass.

"Hi! My name is Edge, but my voice doesn't match my body!"

Finally, once the sequence, again, finishes. The main character appears, and I knew that GS warned us about bad voice acting, but this is actually pretty bad. Normally I don't get bugged by it, but not only does the voice not match (even close mind you) the character's mouth while they talk, but personally I think his voice is not the right voice to be used for this character. His voice does not fit him at all. I was really hoping for changing the language dialogue to Japanese (just like in SF4), but to no avail. The second character Reimi, is soon introduced and thankfully the voice matches her.

Maybe my waiting for an FF game for so long has given me so much high expectations out of SE that it's killing the games for me? I'm not saying SOTLH is horrendous, but right now I'm not too fond of it, and I'll have to play much more to change otherwise. What I can say good about it is that the story is straightforward, and easy to understand (so far at least lol) but I'll have to fully judge it once I finish it.

That's it for now I guess, unless something arises in this game that needs to be addressed while I play it, it'll be on my review.

Speaking of which, I'm sorry that my reviews for SF4 and KZ2 haven't been up yet. But I can say that both are in progress and should be up very soon. I've been busy with deadlines at work, personal life, and of course KZ2 multiplayer!

I can give you a quick overview, SF4 is a great fighting game, and KZ2 is awesome! Hahaha I know that sucks but what you gonna do?

Anyways gotta go do some work. I'm outtie.

-NoctoBum a.k.a acegfx

Monthly Update

I'm still new to gamespot (as a member) and trying to update this constantly is hard, because I work full time. However, I'll do my best. That being said I'll try to outline some things that I will try to accomplish.

One of which is the Monthly Update feature. This feature will alow me to give an update on what to expect throughout the month. Of course I will sometimes add in a weekly update of daily update. But for certain monthly updates will be in progress.

Monthly Update: March 09

At the end of February I've picked up two new copies for my PS3. Street Fighter IV and Killzone 2. Quick overview on both, they both kick major butt. Of course I'll get into the specifics later on.

For this month expect a review on Street Fighter IV and Killzone 2. And yes, they will be an in-depth review (if not even more so) just like my review on Infinite Undiscovery (360).

I will also be creating banners for my profile and avatar. I mean working FT as a designer/developer it's expected from me:D.

And depending on how I like them, I may design some generic ones for everyone in gamespot to use. Keep a look out!

Games I will pick up this month:

Star Ocean 4: The Last Hope (Xbox 360) - Okay so I tried to get this last month, just like originally planned, but of course the release date info was wrong. Apparently GS (or me with my crappy reading) stated the release to be Feb. 24th, in Japan. Booo. I thought it was in NA or something but that release date is March 3rd. Hopefully. I've been waiting for this game for awhile and I've heard good reviews.

Resident Evil 5 (PS3, Xbox 360) - I'm still on the edge on this one. I don't know if I'll get it for either console because after RE3, I really stopped playing RE games. I've played the demo, and it does look like a great game. But I'm just not feeling them anymore. So it's still a 50-50 chance for me.

Madworld (Wii) - Still iffy on this game as well, but this is one of the first games I've seen that is more type of game on the Wii. about 70 - 30 I'll get this game. Judging on the reviews. Besides, I'll be busy playing SO4:TLH and KZ2 multiplayer :).

Also - very close to getting MGS4 (lol.) after so damn long. Everyone has it except for me but for some reason I've been hesitant. But I will play it eventually.

Anyways, that's all for now. I'll do an update for anything that changes. Otherwise expect a review for KZ2 soon!

FPS - FInish that Campaign!

*This blog entry contains some SPOILERS for CoD 4 and CoD WaW.

Okay so yesterday, after playing soccer with my cousins, we were talking about video games.

Of course that's nothing new or interesting. But what caught my attention was what we were talking about.

We both play CoD 4 and CoD (5) WaW. I asked my cousin if he plays the *SPOILER* Zombie mode in CoD WaW. His response was no. He hasn't even heard of it. So after I told him, he was surprised and suprised he was missing out. This was the same response to my other friend the night before that. He also wasn't aware of the zombie mode.

I guess what I'm trying to get at is,


The developers of the game created the mode for you. For the content, for the amazing story (if there is, but regardless even if it is crap, it's still worth to play), the scenes, humor, etc. They worked hard to give you a complete game, and they even give you a bonus finishing it. This is probably the only thing that I don't like about the new online multiplayer phase. People are so eager to skip the main content that they jump into the OM and miss out on very cool things.

Missing out on the *SPOILER* Zombie Mode (which can be played ONLINE mind you to add to the fun bonus), as well as the secret Airplane Level on COD4, the timed stage called "Mile High Club". These two extra modes and levels maybe something smaller, but still provides enough enjoyment and is worth to play.

So again, before rushing into the online multiplayer, beat the campaign, and acknowledge the developers of the game.

February Game Wish List

February, the month I lose all my money.

Well I mean, this month, is the grand daddy month that is releasing alot of sweet games for the consoles, especially PS3.

Being a PS fan, I'm excited and finally PS is getting the attention it deserves. (Yes, flame all you want, but I do own a 360 and the original box so meh to you.) Now I do say console wars is useless, and that I'd rather companies make games for all consoles (well of course it depends which games) but I've been a PS fan since PSX and FF7. (Plus I hate--er-- don't really like Microsoft ).

Anyways, onto the games. (P.S I will continue to update as I remember any other games that I'll get, or recommended to me.)



Killzone 2:

OH EM GEE. This game is one of the most anticipated games on PS3 history. And after seeing the screens, seeing the videos, I CAN'T WAIT. The game offers a great engine, great graphics, great controls, great -- everything. Also the multiplayer is something to look forward to, too. It's basically GOW + COD + Resistance + Halo in one damn package. I seriously can't wait for this game and will review it once I finish playing with it like a little school girl.

Things still to get that I haven't because I fail at life:

LittleBigPlanet: I mean every PS3 needs to get this right?

Metal Gear Solid 4: I mean because it's like the best game right?

Resistance 2: I mean because I'm so outdated.. I'm sad..

Valkyrie Chronicles: I mean because it's pretty much the only good RPG for PS3 right?

XBOX 360:

Star Ocean 4: Last Hope: Because Infinite Undiscovery got me hooked into RTRPGs and it made me want more. Plus it's from square-enix and I need a fix to my FF wait.


Street Fighter 4: Getting on: PS3

Okay so finally SF4 is coming out and I'm stoked like everyone else. The reason why I'm getting it for the PS3? The control pad. The 360 pad kills up my fingers and the PS3 is more suited for fighting games anyways. Plus I'm not sure when my live account expires and what if I don't feel like renewing it? At least PSN is free =). As for the amount of players on Live vs PSN, sure there's much more, but the PSN population isn't like 10 people like what the world thinks. Seriously, Xbox fanboys get over yourself.

That's it for now. I'll post more of things if anything but for sure, KZ2, SF4, and SO4 are must haves for me this Feb.

Happy gaming!

Quick RE:5 Demo Review


So I was meaning to do this long ago when the demo first came out but I totally forgot.

Anyways I though I'd do this now, later better than never and get this over with.

RE5 Demo Review

platform: XBOX360

So the demo gives us 2 levels to play with, and online playablity. My first impressions were: "Holy **** this game looks great." But of course, it's taken from the success of RE4, but regretably, I didn't play RE4. Anyways, when I booted up the game and played on solo mode I choose the first level. First off, graphics wise, it looks great. Very nice visuals, nice sounds. The controls for movement and shooting are just like what I'd expect from RE: different and annoying. But then again, if it wasn't like this it wouldn't be RE. The only thing that really got me annoyed for some reason was the inventory system. I mean thats just me, but it took a little bit to get it co-ordinate, especially trying to give ammo to my partner. But overall, it grew on me as I played and I guess it made sense - to an extent. Although I still wish they did that differently.

As I progressed to the level the event occurred where the zombies are coming after us, expected from an RE game, the zombies are moving slow. Now after playing L4D, it was at first disappointing, but if they ran and attacked as fast as they did in L4D, then the controls for movement and shooting would be overwhelmed and Capcom would've had to change all that to compensate it. But the movement of the zombies actually fit the game. They're smarter, they dodge your bullets (not all the time, but they do). Some take longer to die, and some actually carry weapons. Soon, I realized the freaking room was covered with zombies and I was running out of ammo. Killing zombies gives you ammo, items, or even cash. WHY DO I NEED CASH? I guess the game well tell me later. As much as the amount of zombies were fun to kill and push around, the damn mini boss (or boss I guess) came down and f*cking OWNED ISH UP. He took 2 full shotgun clips into the stomach, the rest of my handgun ammo and a grenade and the man still owned me. I mean yeah, I realized that you don't have to kill him, and just survive until the rescue, but give me a freaking break.

Anyways, I was happy that the difficulty of this game has gone up since the last time I played RE, I thought it needed it. The graphics and sound are great and matched perfectly with the mood. The gameplay is the same, annoying yet fitting for the series, AI is better and having a partner is good and bad. You're never alone, but you better make sure they don't die or its game over.


I played multiplayer really quickly. I played once and my online partner decided to waste his ammo trying to kill me. Um, ok. Once the even started, he didn't have any more ammo and we basically just got effed up. As I love online play, sometimes co-op play with strangers ISN'T the best. Actually it usually never is unless they take the game seriously. So I'd recommend co-op with a buddy or play solo for now.

PS3 Demo notes:

I didn't really play the demo I just wanted to see what the visuals would entail, and to be honest, to me they look the same with the 360 graphics. But even it's not, the recent games coming out are ending these nonsense console wars.


I thought the demo was greate and provided a nice feel to what the real game would be like. However, ever since RE3, I haven't been attached to the series any longer. Great graphics, familiar controls, great sound, improved AI, nice features, but to me, it will be a rental for now, and maybe a purchase later. Not because I wasn't impressed, but only because I've lost the passion for RE. Still, I recommend getting this demo to give you a preview of what's to come.