I finally have a job can you believe it.. graduated in May, but the way the economy is and how everyone seems to be getting laid off, I was surprised. My boy Brandon who I went to school with during college worked for some small company; told him to give me a shout out if they were ever hiring back when. Well 2 months later he calls me out of the blue saying I have an interview for you today at Noon you coming? I was like WTF!? sure. So long story short I ended up getting the job working as a drafter in AutoCAD. I'm so happy I finally was able to get my foot in the door; now all I need to do is gain valuable experience so I can start making that big time money :) Been working since June 1 and I gotta say, having a full time job sux, but I guess I gotta get used to it. It's finally nice to see money in my bank again you know. For awhile there I thought I was going to be broke. Thank God everything worked out and my friend came through.
Nocturnal_Speed Blog
Stepping out into the real world
by Nocturnal_Speed on Comments
I'm just here in front of my computer at home thinking about the outside world. Kind of weird huh... well I'm going to be graduating soon; May 8 to be exact. :) It's a big step for me, because I've never really had a "real" J.o.B if you know what I mean. Been going to school full time for the past 4 years straight out of high school. A little nerves, but I'm really looking forward to it. I hope it doesn't mean leaving the nest, ha ha. Job interviews make me siCk! I don't know why, Ive always had a problem speaking in front of "important" people or doing a presentation in front of class. I'm getting my "Engineering Graphics Design Petro/Industrial A.A.S"....ya I know pretty long; just means I have knowledge in certain software; such as, AutoCad, 3D Modeling, Microstation, and PDMS, which I could have learned from someone in no longer then a semester, but whatever. I'm just glad it's over and I stuck with it even though I'm far! from a straight "A" student. I've learned a lot and meet some really cool people through out my time there. It's a great experience to go through college and I was fortunate, thank God. Can't wait to start earning that money :) I know the first thing I should do is start saving, but I really want to build a WICK3D computer. Aion: Tower of Eternity is coming over shores soon and can't wait, plus play all the games that I'm currently making for the PlayStation One, PlayStation 2, PlayStation 3, PlayStation Portable, and PC. Was thinking about going back even further and getting a Nintendo 64 for some of the best; if not, greatest games ever. Also was the Sega DreamCast too. First in for most I already made a list of all the PSOne games, so as soon as I start rolling in the money I'll be able to purchase them through eBay or where ever necessary. Can't wait to play them on my new tv and finally experience the fifth and sixth generations. Sux I missed out on them, but graphics don't mean much to me at all; as long the gameplay and story keeps me hooked I can play it forever. I've played over 300+ hours of FINAL FANTASY VIII and is probably the greatest RPG of all time imo. Anyways, one week left WAAHOO! can't wait.
A dream come true.
by Nocturnal_Speed on Comments
Bought a new Tv around the beginning of March. Been saving my money for quite awhile for something big, but nothing in particular. To be honest it was either a built computer tower (mine is around 8 years old) or a better HDTV (have or had a 720p Samsung plasma). Anyhow, I figured I'd go with a larger TV to fit my gaming and blu-ray needs by upgrading to a 1080p and because of "Killzone 2" hehe. First thing I thought was "Sony". Have to go with a Sony since I'm a huge fan of there products & consoles. I looked at all the different kind of "Letter" Series that Sony offered and did some research. Finally after about a month of comparing through different model's (spec's and features) I decided on the TV that would give me more bang for my buck. So with out further ado.... 52" Sony BRAVIA Full HD 1080p 120Hz LCD :) Sony Bravia W Series She's Beautiful. A little big in my room, but I'm not complaining. The Picture quality is amazing compared to my 720p Plasma. The lighting and smoothness is worlds better then a Plasma. If you ever plan on purchasing a HDTV I would recommend a (LCD). 1. It doesn't get hot at all (I thought I was in a sauna having my Plasma on). 2. Picture Burn In. So peaceful when you know you can play a game or leave it on while going to the restroom with out it leaving a mark on the screen after like 30 minutes. 3. Light doesn't nearly reflect off it as much as the Plasma. Like I said, the picture is awesome. My Blu-ray movies come to life and feels SO good to finally watch them in 1080p. First thing I did was compare them on the basic settings that the TV comes with. Picture wasn't anything special really, was a little shocked. After looking at a movie and playing a game I was a little disappointed. Then I went through Sony's options and starting tweaking the picture settings and found out everything was on set to low. O.o What did I do?? Jacked them babies to HIGH, messed with the brightness and contrast, and started her back up. O>O SEX AT IT"S BEST. I can't discribe it, Only thing I can say is... I feel like im IN the movie filming. Seriously. Love it. Some might say, "All the games pretty much run in 720p not going to make a big difference" but thats not really the case. All the previous games I played look better, smoother, sharper, overall quality and lighting just enhanced it so much it's crazy. Some of the few games that I previously played that really stood out the most were -- Gran Turismo 5 / SOCOM / Street Fighter IV / Resistance: FoM / Resistance 2 / Uncharted / Metal Gear Solid 4 / Killzone 2 / Resident Evil 5 -- figures; there pretty much all exclusives, beats me... Anyways, sux I havent been able to play much lately due to school, but just coming home and seeing it my room brings me joy :)
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