I think I was in one step on the future, looking some fantastic graphic of the games and just need 3 year to release the new ones and perfect result. Xbox360, PS3, WII U... They all have strong and complete hardware... And see some awsum games and unexpected that Xbox released in 2005 till now, the games are released over 300+. And they said that the consoles may be hold till 2015. I cant imagine how many games will be released in these hardwares. And also new revolution of Accesories and Gameplan. In PS3 , u can play 3D games (but i dont know about X360) And In Xbox, u can Play without controller and just hip and hop in front of the newest accesories console named Kinect for X360.
Opposition of Xbox360, Ps3 just have an Ussual accesories, Many games oftenly Exclusive on PS3 But their game is also oftenly failed. And Xbox exclusive games are very seldom but it keep their explosive promise make these games perfect and step to it successor. And the next gen is also being "gamed" till in the anime video game... Remember Hyperdimension Neptune? That game remind us about the war of the consoles games, but unfortunately that game is just promising cute design, and far different from the console war in the real world.
Back to the topic, Xbox360 and PS3 will be the best next gen till 2015. Playstation Vita and 3DS just an expansion for those who like handheld. Many games are focused in these hardware. Oh yeah they said that Xbox360 and PS3 will be have a "brother" named Xbox720 and PS4. But however, its just rumor and may be have different name... (im sure they wont named those console that simple) Looking that X360 and PS3 is complete enough and High level console, i cant say about the next hardware. And i cant even imagine the cost of those hardware (remind me that X360 and PS3 games is really Expensive)
But we're all as gamer must be keep moving forward to reach what our want to many games...
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